When is the Best Time to Get a Tattoo?

While many people choose a day and time that is convenient for them, determining the best time to get a tattoo may be difficult. There are seasons when certain times of day are superior to others, as well as days of the week, which we’ll discuss below.

There is no one definitive answer to the question of when is the best time to get a tattoo. That said, there are some things you should consider before making your decision.

In this blog post, tattoo experts will discuss some of the factors that you should take into account when making your decision. They will also provide some tips on how to prepare for your tattoo appointment!

When is the Best Time of Year to Get a Tattoo

1) Spring

Tattooing has become increasingly fashionable in the springtime. The increasing temperatures stimulate people to anticipate summer – and flaunt their bikinis and tattoos[1].

The spring season is also the time of year when millions of US citizens receive tax refunds, which creates an increase in client visits to tattoo parlors. However, while getting tattooed in spring is typically beneficial, it may not be the best time to get tattooed.

There’s no need to cancel an appointment for spring if you have one scheduled. Just be aware of how your skin responds to the changing seasons and plan to pamper your tattoos accordingly.


  • The weather is warm and sunny, so you can show off your new tattoo almost immediately;
  • Many people have extra money to spend after receiving their tax refunds;
  • You can book an appointment with your favorite artist who may be booked solid during the summer months;


  • Your skin may be dry from the winter and more susceptible to infection;
  • Allergies are common in spring, which can make healing more difficult;
  • If you get sunburned, it could blister and damage your new tattoo;

2) Summer

Summertime may be the best time to get a tattoo because of the weather and vacation opportunities, but ultimately it depends on your skin and how it will react to the sun. If you are planning a trip to the beach or pool, keep in mind that new tattoos need to be kept dry and out of direct sunlight for at least two weeks, so you may have to wait a little longer to show off your new ink.


Another thing to consider is that many people perspire more in the summer heat, which can cause irritation and make healing more difficult. If you are prone to excessive sweating, it might be best to wait until fall or winter to get tattooed.


  • You can show off your new tattoo almost immediately after getting it;
  • There are many opportunities to go on vacation and show off your new ink;
  • Your skin will be less likely to sweat in the cooler weather, making healing easier;


  • Your skin is more likely to be sensitive to the summer sun;
  • You may have to miss out on some fun in the sun while your tattoo heals;

3) Fall

In the fall, regardless of where you are, the weather is usually colder and less humid, which means your skin won’t be sweating as much and you’ll be exposing it to the elements. Because of this, you won’t have to deal with temperature shocks or harsh circumstances outside since the climate is increasingly similar to that inside [2].

The leaves also begin to change color, making for a beautiful background should you choose to take a picture with your new tattoo. Fall is an ideal time to get inked because the days are shorter and the weather is cooler, so you won’t have to worry about sweating or sun exposure as much.


  • Your skin won’t sweat as much, making healing easier;
  • The climate is more stable, so there’s less risk of temperature shocks;
  • The changing leaves make for a beautiful backdrop;


  • You may have to miss out on some fun summer activities while your tattoo heals;
  • Allergens like pollen can be more prevalent in the fall, which may irritate your tattoo;

4) Winter

The second best time to get a tattoo is during the winter, as long as you don’t spend too much time outside. Keeping your tattoo hidden from the elements may be beneficial, but covering it for too long may result in infection or discomfort from continual rubbing.


Extreme cold temperatures slow blood flow and induce poor circulation, making it harder for the body to produce new skin cells [3].


  • You can keep your tattoo hidden from the elements;
  • Allergens are less prevalent in the winter;


  • Your skin will take longer to heal;
  • You may have to miss out on some fun winter activities while your tattoo heals;

Why Fall is the Ideal Time of the Year to Get a Tattoo?

The leaves are changing color, the air is getting crisp- there’s just something about fall that makes it the perfect time of year to get a tattoo.

Here are a few reasons why:

  • The cooler weather is ideal for healing. You don’t have to worry about sweating or being too hot, which can irritate a new tattoo;
  • Long sleeves cover up your new ink while it’s healing. No need to deal with that awkward stage where people ask you about your fresh tattoo;
  • Fall fashion is all about layers. This gives you plenty of options for hiding your new tattoo if you need to;
  • The holidays are coming up, which means you’ll have plenty of time to show off your new tattoo to family and friends;

Why Fall is the Ideal Time of the Year to Get a Tattoo?

The Risks Associated with Getting a Tattoo During Summer:

  • Excessive sweating. Sweat, like any other water source, should be avoided on your healing tattoo. Allowing sweat and oil to enter the wounded region allows germs to proliferate. As well as assisting in the healing of your tattoo, Saniderm may also help to loosen any adhesives on the bandage. Sweating into the tattoo might promote an infection since it exposes the site to more germs;
  • Water. It’s critical not to immerse a healing tattoo in any liquid, especially water. Avoid lakes, oceans, swimming pools, Jacuzzis, and baths at all costs. Because your tattoo is technically an open wound, allowing contaminant access will be harmful to the healing process;
  • Hot temperature. Summer is a wonderful time to go outside and enjoy the weather, but hot temperatures can be harmful when treating injuries. Heat causes the body to lose water and might lead to dehydration. When skin becomes dehydrated, it may become inflamed and dry. Keeping your tattoo wet minimizes scabbing and peeling, which aids in the healing process;
  • Sunshine and UV rays. Spending too much time in the sunshine is one of the most damaging things you can do to your tattoo. UV radiation damages and kills skin cells, causing them to become disfigured or die. The skin’s suppleness is lost when it becomes toughened as a result of damage to its cells. Your tattoo will eventually deteriorate due to the effects of UV radiation. It will fade and become dull, and its crisp lines and colors will be altered. Please, do not apply sunscreen, tanning oils, or lotions to your tattoo for the sake of your health. Chemicals that are too strong may cause burning, stinging, and scabbing. Furthermore, it raises the possibility of sunburn;

When is The Best Period to Get a Tattoo

Time of the day: within 2 hours of eating

The best time to get a tattoo is two hours after you’ve eaten. This gives your body time to digest and absorb the food you’ve consumed, which provides energy and nutrients to help the healing process.

It’s also important to stay hydrated, so drink plenty of water leading up to your appointment.
Avoid caffeine on the day of as it can make you more anxious and cause your blood pressure to rise [4].

Time of the week: a few days before a workout or party

If you’re getting a large tattoo, it’s best to schedule it for early in the week when you have more free time for recovery. That said, any tattoo will require at least a few days of downtime, so be sure to take that into consideration when making your plans.

The bottom line is that there’s no perfect time to get a tattoo, but there are certain times that may be better for you than others. Just be sure to do your research and talk to your artist about what will work best for you and your schedule.

Time of your life: in your 20s and 30s

There’s no hard and fast rule about when you should get a tattoo, but many people find that their 20s and 30s are the best times to do it. This is a time when you’re likely to be more carefree and have fewer responsibilities, making it easier to recover from the inevitable discomfort of getting inked. Of course, there are always exceptions to the rule, so if you’re feeling inspired at any age, go for it!

Other Considerations When Getting a Tattoo

During Menstruation

During their menstrual cycle, many women get tattooed. If you believe you can handle it, there’s no reason why you shouldn’t get one.

During their period, some women have more sensitive skin, so the pain they experience while receiving a tattoo will be felt more keenly.

Another reason not to get a tattoo during menstruation is due to lower blood sugar levels, particularly in those with anemia.

There are no restrictions on getting a tattoo while your period is in effect, provided that you feel capable of doing so (and you don’t have to disclose this to your artist).

If you’re having trouble controlling your blood sugar levels or are more sensitive to pain during this time, however, it might be best to wait.

If you’re set on getting a tattoo during your period, consider using a menstrual cup or tampon to help control the flow. This way, you can avoid staining your clothing or the tattoo artist’s chair.

Working Out

The best time to get a tattoo is when you’re in good physical shape. This will help ensure that your skin can heal quickly and properly. If you’re out of shape, you may be at risk of developing an infection.

If you go to the gym frequently, you should think about how your tattoo care will be affected.

Working Out

Excessive sweating, on the other hand, can halt the healing process and allow germs to enter. A new tattoo is comparable to a fresh wound, and you should treat it similarly to one undergoing an invasive procedure. Consider rearranging your exercise routine or taking a few weeks off from demanding workouts until your tattooist gives you the all-clear.

Ultimately, the best time to get a tattoo is when it works best for you and your schedule. If you are planning a trip or have an event coming up that you want to show off your new ink at, make sure you give yourself enough time to heal first. Talk to your artist about the best time to schedule your tattoo based on their availability and your own personal circumstances.


Is it bad to get a tattoo in the summer?

There’s a lot of debate on whether or not it’s bad to get a tattoo in the summer. Some people say that the sun and heat can cause the ink to fade, while others claim that their tattoos have held up just fine in the summer sun. Ultimately, it’s up to you to decide whether or not you’re comfortable getting a tattoo during the summer months. If you do choose to get inked during the hotter months, be sure to protect your tattoo from excessive sun exposure.

When should you not get a tattoo?

You should not get a tattoo if you are pregnant, have diabetes, or are under the influence of drugs or alcohol. You should also wait to get a tattoo until your skin is fully healed from any previous injuries or surgeries. If you have an autoimmune disorder, it is best to consult with your doctor before getting a tattoo [5].

Do tattoos heal faster in the winter?

Some people say that tattoos heal faster in the winter because the cold weather helps to numb the skin and reduce swelling. Others say that tattoos heal better in the summer because the warmer weather helps to keep the area clean and free of infection. Ultimately, it comes down to personal preference and your body’s individual healing process.

How do you prepare for a new tattoo?

There are a few things to consider before getting inked. Here are some tips on how to prepare for your new tattoo:

  • Choose the right artist. This is probably the most important decision you will make. Do your research and find an artist whose style you like and who has a good reputation. Ask around and look at their portfolios to get an idea of their work;
  • Pick the right design. Once you’ve found the perfect artist, it’s time to pick the right design. Think about what you want and where you want it placed on your body. If you’re not sure, ask your artist for suggestions. They should be able to help you come up with a design that suits your style and personality;
  • Choose the right time. Timing is important when it comes to getting a tattoo. You want to make sure you have enough time to heal properly, so plan accordingly. Avoid getting a tattoo during times of stress or illness, as this can delay the healing process;
  • Follow your artist’s instructions. Once you’ve got your new tattoo, it’s important to follow your artist’s aftercare instructions. This will help ensure that your tattoo heals properly and looks its best;

What do you do after you get a tattoo?

After you get a tattoo, it is important to take care of it. You should avoid exposing your tattoo to sunlight and water for at least 2 weeks. After that, you can gently wash it with soap and water [6].

Be sure to pat the tattoo dry instead of rubbing it. You should also avoid using lotions or creams on your tattoo until it has healed completely. If you have any questions or concerns about caring for your tattoo, be sure to ask your tattoo artist or consult a medical professional.

Do tattoos shorten your life?

No, tattoos do not shorten your life. In fact, there is no scientific evidence that suggests that tattoos have any negative effect on health whatsoever. So if you’re worried about getting a tattoo because you think it might affect your lifespan, you can rest easy knowing that it won’t [7].

Is getting a tattoo painful?

The pain of getting a tattoo varies depending on individual pain tolerance, the size and location of the tattoo, and the type of needle used. In general, however, most people report that getting a tattoo is not as painful as they feared it would be. If you’re worried about the pain, talk to your artist about ways to minimize it.

Useful Video: WHEN is the BEST TIME to get a Tattoo?


  1. https://faq.saniderm.com/knowledge-base/best-time-of-year-to-get-a-tattoo/
  2. https://authoritytattoo.com/best-time-to-get-a-tattoo/
  3. https://faq.saniderm.com/knowledge-base/best-time-of-year-to-get-a-tattoo/
  4. https://readinsideout.com/education/when-is-the-best-time-to-get-a-tattoo/
  5. https://creativeinktattoo.com/2021/12/31/when-cant-i-get-tattooed/
  6. https://www.webmd.com/skin-problems-and-treatments/taking-care-of-your-tattoo
  7. https://www.empr.com/home/news/drug-news/tattoos-linked-to-earlier-death/