Can Dental Hygienists Have Tattoos?

Can Dental Hygienists Have Tattoos?

In the workplace today, visible tattoos are becoming more and more accepted in many industries. But if you’re a dental hygienist considering getting a tattoo, can you still keep up with professional standards? With many aspects to consider, such as possible regulations for certain states and common etiquette of the dental industry, this is an important question to research before taking your next step. In this blog post, we’ll explore all angles of this complex topic to help you make an informed decision about the possibility of having tattoos as a dental hygienist.

Who Are Dental Hygienists?

Dental hygienists are highly skilled health care professionals that specialize in the prevention of dental diseases and promotion of oral health. They work closely with dentists to provide a variety of preventive, educational, and therapeutic services. Dental hygienists must have an Associate’s degree or higher in dental hygiene from an accredited college or university. Some states also require licensure along with continuing education requirements for renewing licenses every two years.

Who Are Dental Hygienists?

Can Dental Hygienists Have Tattoos?

The short answer is yes, dental hygienists can have tattoos. Many employers now accept and even embrace the presence of body art amongst their staff. However, there are certain regulations in place that govern the size, placement, and visibility of tattoos within a dental office setting.

In general, it is recommended that any visible tattoo should be no larger than 2 inches by 2 inches or smaller. Tattoos should also be placed in areas that will not come into contact with clients or other personnel during treatment or other activities. This means that facial and neck tattoos are generally discouraged for those working as dental hygienists.

In addition to size and placement guidelines, many employers have policies in place regarding what type of tattoos are acceptable. Tattoos that could be considered offensive or inappropriate should not be visible while in the office. [1]

Although there are some restrictions, overall the trend is to become more accepting of body art amongst dental hygienists. As long as a tattoo does not interfere with patient care or disrupt operations within the office, many employers will look upon it favorably. In fact, having a creative and unique appearance can actually be beneficial for job prospects and career advancement!

It’s important to keep in mind that policies may vary by state or employer, so it’s best to check with your local regulations before getting any tattoos. Ultimately, however, dental hygienists have the right to express themselves through body art without fear of discrimination. As long as you keep a professional appearance and comply with all regulations, having a tattoo should not be an obstacle in your career!

Can Dental Hygienists Have Tattoos?

What Do The Rules Say?

In addition to the professional standards of cleanliness and appearance, most states have specific rules regarding hygiene-related tattoos. In general, these laws state that tattoos must be covered while on duty and should not be visible during patient care activities. Some states require hygienists to keep their tattoos completely out of sight at all times, regardless of whether they’re on or off the clock. Additionally, some states may limit the size and content of allowable tattoos for dental professionals.

Despite this, many dental offices have become more relaxed about body art in recent years as an increasing number of people are getting tattooed. It may still be worth checking with a particular employer before getting any new ink.

Ultimately though, it is important to remember that while tattoos may be a personal expression, they remain subject to the rules of professional etiquette. By following these guidelines and maintaining proper hygiene standards, dental hygienists can enjoy their body art without compromising patient safety or professionalism.

Although having a tattoo as a dental hygienist is generally accepted today, it’s important to consider the possible implications for your career if you choose to get one. If you are considering getting a tattoo, make sure that it won’t interfere with your job performance or be seen by patients during treatment. Additionally, some employers may not hire people who have visible tattoos, so it might be best to keep any new ink in an area that can easily be covered up when necessary.

Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to get a tattoo is up to the individual. For dental hygienists who choose to have tattoos, it’s important to be aware of any laws or regulations that might apply in their area and take appropriate action if necessary. With that said, having a tattoo doesn’t have to mean saying goodbye to your career – with proper care and consideration, dental hygienists can enjoy their body art and still maintain a professional image in the workplace. [2]

What Do The Rules Say?

Should Having Tattoos Matter?

Tattoos are a form of self-expression and have become an increasingly popular trend among many people. Dental hygienists may be considering getting tattoos, but they should also consider how their boss and clients will view them. A simple answer to the question “Can dental hygienists have tattoos?” is yes; however, having visible tattoos can create some issues for the dental hygienist’s professional appearance.

Even though it might be socially accepted to have visible tattoos nowadays, not everyone has adopted that same point of view. In terms of dentistry, employers tend to prefer their employees to maintain a more conservative look when dealing with patients or clients due to its intimate nature. It is certainly acceptable for dental hygienists to have tattoos, but it is important for them to keep in mind that their professional appearance should be considered when deciding if they should get visible tattoos or not.

It’s important for dental hygienists to bear in mind that having visible tattoos could affect their reputation and the trust of their clients. Clients may feel uncomfortable with a person who has visible tattoos, which could lead to a decrease in customer satisfaction or even a decline in overall business.

Therefore, it is advised for dental hygienists to make an informed decision when considering getting any type of tattoo.

Should Having Tattoos Matter?

Can Employers Discriminate Against Employees With Tattoos?

The answer to this question depends on the employer. Generally, employers can impose a dress code and rules about visible tattoos in the workplace. However, the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) states that such policies cannot discriminate against any individual based on their race, color, religion, sex or national origin. This means that if an employer were to restrict tattoos in the workplace for any of these reasons, it would be considered discriminatory and could result in legal action against them.

In terms of dental hygienists specifically, many employers are more tolerant of visible tattoos than other professions due to the nature of their work. That being said, some employers may still have stricter rules when it comes to body art and may not allow it at all. It is important to check with potential employers to find out if they have any restrictions regarding tattoos before applying for the job or starting work.

It’s also important to remember that even if an employer allows visible tattoos, not all clients may be comfortable with them. Therefore, it’s best to consider how a particular tattoo might be perceived by patients and take this into account when making decisions about body art in the workplace.

In conclusion, while many employers are more tolerant of visible tattoos than other professions due to the nature of their work, there is still a chance that an employer could discriminate against someone based on their body art. It’s important to research potential employers and be aware of how a particular tattoo might be perceived before applying for the job. At the end of the day, it’s up to each individual to decide if they feel comfortable with having visible tattoos in their workplace.

Can Employers Discriminate Against Employees With Tattoos?

How To Develop A Tattoo & Piercing Policy For Your Dental Practice

When it comes to tattoos and piercings, the opinions of dental hygienists and dentists alike can vary greatly. Dental hygienists may feel strongly about expressing themselves through body art while employers may have reservations about visible piercings or tattoos in a professional setting. If you’re looking to develop a tattoo & piercing policy for your dental practice, here are some things you should consider.

First and foremost, it is important to understand all relevant state laws regarding tattoos and piercings. While there may be no laws specifically banning visible body art in the workplace, certain states do require parental permission for minors who wish to get pierced or tattooed. Additionally, some states have specific laws regulating tattoo parlor hygiene and safety, which can affect hygienists or dentists who are actively involved in tattooing. [3]

When creating a policy, it is also important to consider the type of body art you would like to allow within the office setting. Will tattoos be allowed on visible areas like hands, arms, and neck? Would facial piercings be permissible? How about more extreme forms of body modification such as tongue splitting or surface implants? Making these decisions ahead of time will help ensure that your policy is clear and consistent for all staff members.

You should also consider how you would like to handle any existing tattoos or piercings when hiring new staff members. If you do decide to allow certain types of body art, would you require that existing body art be covered or removed? If so, what will the process for covering tattoos or removing piercings look like?

Finally, it is important to ensure that you are treating all staff members fairly and consistently when implementing a policy. Staff members should be aware of any requirements ahead of time and should not be held to different standards simply because they have visible body art.

By considering these factors and developing a clear, fair policy regarding tattoos & piercing in the workplace, dental practices can create an environment where hygienists feel comfortable expressing themselves while still maintaining a professional appearance.

How To Develop A Tattoo & Piercing Policy For Your Dental Practice

Are Piercings Acceptable?

The answer is not as clear-cut when it comes to piercings. While many dental practices don’t have any policies regarding piercings, some may require that they are removed or covered while working with patients. For this reason, it’s important to discuss any piercings you may have with your employer before starting a job in order to avoid potential conflicts. Additionally, certain types of facial piercings could be seen as a distraction or unprofessional by clients and should be considered carefully when deciding whether or not to get one. Ultimately, it’s up to each individual dental practice to determine their own policies on tattoos and piercings so make sure you know what those expectations are before making any decisions. [4]

How to Cover Up Your Tattoo?

If you are a dental hygienist with a visible tattoo, there is no need to worry about how to cover it up. There are several options for hiding tattoos while in the workplace.

One option is to use a temporary concealer or foundation that matches your skin tone. This type of makeup can be applied directly over the tattoo and blended in until it is not visible. Additionally, these products come in spray-on and stick form, so you have plenty of options when covering up large or small areas of skin.

Another great way to hide tattoos is by wearing clothing that covers the area where the tattoo lies. You can also wear long sleeves or pants if needed, although this may not always be practical. However, if you feel comfortable doing so, wearing clothing that covers the tattoo can be a great way to ensure that it is not visible while in the workplace.

Finally, tattoos can also be covered with bandages or medical tape. This option may be most suitable for any tattoos on areas of the body that are difficult to cover with clothing or makeup. It is important to note that these items should only be used as temporary solutions and should not always remain on the skin for long periods of time.

No matter which method you choose, there are easy ways to hide your tattoo while at work as a dental hygienist. With some creativity and careful planning, you can show up to your job feeling confident knowing that your body art is not visible. [5]

How to Cover Up Your Tattoo?

How to Remove Your Tattoo?

If you are a dental hygienist with an existing tattoo that you would like to remove, there are several methods available. Laser tattoo removal is one of the most popular and effective treatments for eliminating unwanted tattoos. The process works by using laser light to break down the pigment of the tattoo, gradually fading it over time until it is no longer visible. However, there can be some downtime associated with this method and results may vary depending on the size and color of your tattoo.

Alternatively, you could try dermabrasion or chemical peels if you prefer a less invasive option. Dermabrasion involves using a rotating brush to gently exfoliate the top layer of skin where your tattoo is located, while chemical peels use a special solution to dissolve the pigment in your tattoo. Both of these options require several treatments and can be quite painful, but they also provide a more immediate result than laser removal.

Finally, you could opt for surgical removal if other methods don’t work. While it is one of the most invasive methods available, this option is usually reserved for larger or deeper tattoos that cannot be treated with other techniques. It involves cutting away the skin where your tattoo is located and then stitching it back together again once all the pigment has been removed. This method carries some significant risks and should only be used as a last resort. [6]


Can dental hygienists have finger tattoos?

Yes, as long as the tattoos are not on visible parts of the hand or arm. Dental hygienists should ensure that any finger tattoos do not interfere with their ability to properly clean and treat patients. Additionally, many dental practices may have policies prohibiting certain types of body art on display during work hours. Therefore, it is important for a dental hygienist to be aware of their employer’s policies before getting any finger tattoos.

Can dental hygienists wear clothing that covers up body art?

Yes, in most cases if an employee has visible body art they can cover it up with clothing while working. However, some employers may have requirements regarding the type of clothing worn at work so it is important to check with your employer before wearing any clothing that covers up body art. Additionally, dental hygienists should ensure that the clothing they wear is appropriate for the clinical setting and not too casual or revealing.

Can dental hygienists have facial tattoos?

No, in most cases facial tattoos are typically not allowed in the workplace. Most states have regulations prohibiting certain types of body art from being visible during work hours if it could be considered offensive or unprofessional. Therefore, it is important for a dental hygienist to understand their state’s laws regarding facial tattoos before getting one.

Can you have tattoos as a dental nurse?

Absolutely! Tattoos are becoming increasingly accepted within the professional field, and in this case, there is no issue with having tattoos as a dental hygienist. Many employers will not discriminate against someone based on their tattoos, so long as they don’t pose any kind of medical risk or consumer threat. As long as your tattoo is not offensive in nature or otherwise inappropriate for the workplace, it should be acceptable to have visible tattoos while employed as a dental hygienist. In some cases, depending on where you work, employers may even ask that you cover up any visible body art before interacting with patients. For example, many hospitals require employees to cover up tattoos when they are providing patient care. It’s best to check with your employer to find out their specific policies. Remember, your professional appearance should always be a priority, and having tattoos is no exception – make sure that any visible body art is tasteful and appropriate for the workplace.

Can dentists wear jewelry?

Yes, dentists can wear jewelry during work hours as long as the jewelry is not a safety hazard and does not interfere with patient care. Dentists must also ensure that any jewelry is kept clean and sanitary to avoid spreading infection or disease. Jewelry should be simple and understated in order to maintain a professional appearance for patients. Piercings are typically not allowed unless they can be covered up easily with clothing or jewelry. Finally, it is important to note that many dental practices have specific policies about what types of jewelry are acceptable in the workplace. It is important to check with your employer before wearing any type of body adornment at work.

What fields do not allow tattoos?

There are certain fields that do not permit visible tattoos such as law enforcement, hospitality, banking/finance, retail and customer service. Many medical fields also discourage visible tattoos. Depending on the regulations in your area, it is possible that having a visible tattoo may disqualify you from becoming a dental hygienist if you are not already certified or licensed. It is important to check with local licensing bodies for more information about any specific restrictions they may have. Tattoos can still be displayed in non-visible areas like underneath clothing or jewelry worn over the skin. If you want to show off your artwork while still following professional guidelines, this option might still be available to you. However, it’s important to consider that even if tattoos are allowed in certain fields, employers may still take it into account when hiring and evaluating employees. It’s always best to look professional and keep tattoos covered up in the workplace. Ultimately, having a visible tattoo will not always disqualify someone from working as a dental hygienist.

Useful Video: Can dental hygienists have tattoos?


At the end of the day, there is no single answer to the question: “Can dental hygienists have tattoos?” There are a number of factors that will influence whether or not you can get a tattoo and still work as a dental hygienist. These include state regulations, employer policies, and professional norms. While some employers may be more open to visible body art than others, it’s always best to err on the side of caution when it comes to getting inked for your job. Ultimately, if you’re considering getting a tattoo (or already have one), do your research before committing and talk to your employer about any potential rules or guidelines you should follow.

Ultimately, having tattoos as a dental hygienist is possible, but it’s important to take precautions and make sure you understand any potential rules or guidelines in place. Be aware of your state regulations, employer policies, and professional norms before making the decision to get a tattoo. And always make sure you’re comfortable with displaying whatever body art you choose. Remember that tattoos are permanent, so be sure to think about your decision carefully before getting one!

