How Often Should You Wash Your Tattoo?

How Often Should You Wash Your Tattoo?

Having a tattoo is a great way to express yourself, show off your personality, and give you an extra boost of confidence. But maintaining that beautiful work of art requires regular care and maintenance. One key aspect of properly caring for your tattoo is washing it – but how often should you wash your tattoo?

Knowing the right frequency can help to keep your tattoo looking vibrant, protect it from infection and irritation, and prolong its lifespan. In this article, we’ll cover the answer to this question and provide you with some useful tips on how often to wash tattoos.

How Long Should You Wait To Wash Your Tattoo? 

Washing Your Tattoo Too Soon

The general consensus among tattoo artists and medical professionals is that you should wait a minimum of 24 hours before washing your new tattoo. As soon as the artwork is done, your artist will apply a thin layer of petroleum jelly or another protective ointment to keep it from drying out. This protective barrier helps heal the area while keeping bacteria and other irritants away.

If you wash your tattoo too soon, this protective layer will be washed off and can leave your skin open to infection or other damage. You may also experience an increase in pain, swelling, and redness at the site if it is exposed to too much water before it has healed properly. [1]

Not Washing Your Tattoo At All

If you don’t wash your tattoo at all, it can lead to a range of problems. Not only will bacteria and dirt accumulate on the surface of your skin, but they can cause irritation and discomfort. Your tattoo could become infected more easily if left unwashed for too long, which can lead to scarring or fading over time. 

The dead skin cells that accumulate on your tattoo can also cause it to look dull and faded. This is because the pigment in the ink has a harder time adhering to these dead cells, which can cause your tattoo to fade much sooner than it should. [1]

Can You Wash Your Tattoo Too Much?

The simple answer is yes, you can wash your tattoo too much. If you’re cleaning more than once a day, that could be an indication that you are overdoing it. Overwashing your tattoo can lead to excessive dryness and even infection of the area.

How Long Should You Wait To Wash Your Tattoo? 

It’s also important to remember that having a tattoo is an open wound, even though it is healing. So, as with any other injury or wound, you want to keep from removing the scab prematurely or over-moisturizing the area before it’s healed. [1]

Washing Your Tattoo Prevents Infection

It’s important to wash your tattoo regularly to keep it clean and prevent infection. You should always remember to use mild, fragrance-free soap and warm water when washing your tattoo. It is not recommended to use harsh scrubbing or soap with strong fragrances as this can irritate the skin around the tattoo and cause an infection. [2]

Best Practices for Washing Your Tattoo

Cleaning Blood, Ink, and Plasma

When you first get a tattoo, it’s essential to keep the area clean – especially within the first few days. It is especially important to clean your tattoo if there is any blood or plasma (the liquid component of blood) present.

The best way to clean a fresh tattoo is with a mild soap and water mixture. Starting off with clean hands, use a few drops of soap on your fingertips to gently lather up the area. Be gentle and make sure not to scrub or rub too hard as this can cause irritation and damage the skin. Rinse off with cool water and pat dry with a clean paper towel or cloth. [2] 

Make Sure Everything Is Washed

Once you’ve washed the tattoo with soap and water, make sure to double-check that all debris is gone. You want to ensure that there are no ink particles left behind that can cause irritation or further infections. To do this, use a cotton swab and dip it in rubbing alcohol. Gently move the swab over the tattoo for a few seconds—this will disinfect the area and remove any remaining ink. [2]


Once the tattoo is clean, it’s important to moisturize the area. Using a non-scented lotion or moisturizer will help keep the skin from drying out and becoming irritated. Apply a small amount of product with your fingertips and lightly rub it into the tattoo until it has been fully absorbed. Then gently pat dry with a clean cloth. [2]

Can You Wash Your Tattoo Too Much?

It’s important to keep the area moisturized for at least two weeks after getting your tattoo—this will help prevent any cracking or peeling from occurring.

Washing Your Tattoo Is Key to Caring For It

Your tattoo is a long-term investment and part of your body, so it’s important to take care of it. Washing your tattoo regularly can help keep the skin around your ink healthy and vibrant for years to come.

It’s especially important during the healing process, as any infection can affect both the appearance and health of your tattoo. After the healing process is complete, you can reduce how often you wash it, but regular cleaning is still important to keep it looking great over time. [2]

Washing A Tattoo: Do’s And Don’ts  

Don’t Wash Your Tattoo With A Scented Cleanser 

It is important to remember that you should never use a scented cleanser when washing your tattoo. Scented soaps and body washes can cause irritation to the skin, as well as age the ink in your tattoo more quickly. For best results, it is recommended to use an unscented, fragrance-free cleanser specifically designed for tattoos. [1]

Do Wash Your Tattoo With An Antimicrobial/Antibacterial Cleanser 

When washing your tattoo, it is important to use an antimicrobial or antibacterial cleanser. This type of cleanser will help to prevent infection and keep your skin clean and healthy during the healing process. Make sure to follow the instructions on the packaging or provided by your artist for the best results. [1]

Don’t Use Hot Water To Wash Your Tattoo 

Hot water should be avoided when washing your tattoo. Hot water can cause more damage to the skin, resulting in further irritation and slower healing time. Make sure to only use lukewarm or cold water when cleaning your tattoo. [1]

Do Use Lukewarm Water To Wash Your Tattoo 

When washing your tattoo, make sure to use lukewarm water. Lukewarm water will help to open up your pores and allow the healing process to begin. It is also important to note that too hot or cold of water can cause further irritation and damage to the skin. [1]

Don’t Use A Loofah/Sponge To Wash Your Tattoo 

It is not recommended to use a loofah or sponge when washing your tattoo. Loofahs and sponges can cause further irritation and damage to the skin, as well as pull at the ink in your tattoo. Make sure to wash your tattoo gently with your hands using a gentle circular motion for best results. [1]

Washing Your Tattoo Is Key to Caring For It

Do Wash Your Tattoo With Your Hands  

When washing your tattoo, make sure to use your hands. Gently use a gentle circular motion to clean the area and rinse off any excess ink or ointment. Avoid using harsh scrubbing motions that can be damaging to the skin. [1]

Don’t Use Dirty Hands To Wash Your Tattoo 

It is important to make sure that your hands are clean before washing your tattoo. Make sure to thoroughly wash your hands and nails with soap and warm water prior to touching the area. Dirty hands can lead to infection, so it is vital to keep them clean when caring for a new tattoo. [1]

Do Wash Your Hands Before Washing Your Tattoo 

It is essential to make sure that your hands are clean before washing your tattoo. Use mild, unscented soap and warm water to thoroughly wash your hands and nails. This will help to prevent infection and keep the area clean during the healing process. [1]

Don’t Soak Your Tattoo Underwater  

It is not recommended to soak your tattoo in water. Soaking your tattoo can cause the ink to fade, as well as increase the risk of infection and irritation. Make sure to only use lukewarm or cold water when cleaning your tattoo and avoid submerging it completely. [1]

Do Apply A Light Amount Of Water To Your Tattoo 

When washing your tattoo, make sure to lightly apply water to the area. This will help to loosen any excess ink or ointment that may still be present. Avoid scrubbing the area too harshly and use gentle circular motions when applying water. [1]

Don’t Wipe Your Tattoo Dry 

It is important to not wipe your tattoo dry after washing it. Patting the area gently with a clean, soft towel will help to absorb any excess moisture without damaging the skin or the ink. Make sure to pat the area until it is completely dry before applying lotion or ointment. [1]

Do Gently Pat Your Tattoo Dry 

After washing your tattoo, make sure to gently pat the area dry. Pat the area with a clean, soft towel until it is completely dry before applying any lotion or ointment. Avoid rubbing or scrubbing the area too harshly as this can cause further irritation and damage to the skin. [1]

Do Use Lukewarm Water To Wash Your Tattoo 

New to tattoo aftercare?

If your tattoo is brand new, you need to be extra careful when it comes to washing. It’s important to wait until the tattoo has had time to heal before you begin regular washes. Make sure that in the first few weeks of having a fresh tattoo, you don’t submerge or soak it in water – that means no swimming, soaking in a bathtub, or anything else that exposes the tattoo to water for an extended period of time.

You should also avoid using any harsh soaps or products on your new tattoo, as these can irritate it and cause inflammation. It’s recommended to use a mild, fragrance-free cleanser when washing your tattoo, and to do so no more than two times per day. [3]


Can you wash your tattoo too much?

Yes, you can wash your tattoo too much. Overwashing can lead to excessive dryness and irritation of the skin around the tattooed area. It is important to keep your tattoo clean, but do not overdo it.

Is it OK to wash a tattoo once a day?

Yes, it’s ok to wash a tattoo once a day. You can use lukewarm water and mild soap to gently clean the area. Make sure you rinse all of the soap off your skin and pat the tattoo dry with a clean towel or paper towel when you are done.

How often should you clean and moisturize a new tattoo?

It is recommended to clean and moisturize your new tattoo twice a day, once in the morning and once in the evening. Use lukewarm water and mild soap, then pat it dry with a clean towel or paper towel when you are done. To keep your tattoo looking its best, choose an unscented and gentle lotion to apply to the area twice a day. You should also avoid any activities that involve water, such as swimming or hot tubs, for at least two weeks after your tattoo is healed.

When can you stop washing a new tattoo?

You should keep washing your new tattoo until the area has completely healed, which can take up to 4 weeks. After that, you should follow a regular skincare routine for the area – cleaning with mild soap and water at least once a day and moisturizing twice daily with an unscented lotion.

How should a tattoo look after 3 days?

Most tattoos will start to peel and scab after three days. The area may also be slightly red or swollen. This is all part of the normal healing process, so try not to pick at the scabs or itch the area too much – it can cause scarring, discoloration, and even infection. Your tattoo should start to look better after about a week of proper care and maintenance.

What happens if I don’t wash my tattoo every day?

If you don’t wash your tattoo every day, it may become dry and irritated. Bacteria can build up on the skin, leading to infection. It is important to keep the area clean and moisturized in order to prevent any problems from occurring.

What happens if I don't wash my tattoo every day?

Should you moisturize your tattoo every day?

Yes, you should moisturize your tattoo every day to keep the skin healthy and hydrated. Apply a gentle lotion twice daily – in the morning and at night – after washing it with mild soap and lukewarm water. Avoid products with heavy fragrances or added dyes, as these can irritate the skin around the tattooed area.

Is washing a tattoo 3 times a day too much?

Yes, washing a tattoo three times a day is too much. This can cause the skin to become dry and irritated, leading to infection. Stick to cleaning your tattoo once a day with mild soap and lukewarm water, then moisturizing twice daily with an unscented lotion.  Taking care of your tattoo properly will ensure it looks great for years to come.

Do you moisturize your tattoo every day?

Yes, you should moisturize your tattoo every day to keep the skin healthy and hydrated. Apply a gentle lotion twice daily – in the morning and at night – after washing it with mild soap and lukewarm water. Avoid products with heavy fragrances or added dyes, as these can irritate the skin around the tattooed area.  Doing this will help ensure your tattoo looks great for years to come.

Useful Video: Tattoo Aftercare Routine | Tattoo Healing Process


When it comes to caring for a new tattoo, washing is an essential part of the process. As long as you’re gentle and use mild soap, you should wash your tattoo every day until it has fully healed – which typically takes 6-8 weeks. Make sure to moisturize afterward, so your skin can heal properly, and keep the area protected from the sun. That way, your tattoo will continue to look as beautiful as it did on the day you got it!

So, in short – wash your tattoo at least once a day for the best results. Doing so will help ensure that your tattoo heals properly and remains vibrant for many years to come!

