Why Is My Tattoo Raised?

Why Is My Tattoo Raised?

If you recently got a new tattoo, you may have noticed that it’s feeling raised or lumpy. As strange as it may seem, this is actually quite normal and can happen due to a few different factors. In this article, we’ll be discussing why your tattoo might be raised and what you can do to help reduce the bumpiness. We’ll also be answering some of the most common questions about raised tattoos, so you can better understand your body’s healing process and enjoy your new ink with peace of mind.

Is It Normal For A Tattoo To Be Raised?

Yes, it’s normal for your tattoo to be raised directly after getting it. This is usually due to the swelling caused by the tattooing process and can last anywhere from a few days up to two weeks. You may also see some redness or itching during this period, but these should subside once the healing process is complete. [2]

Reasons for Raised Tattoos

Weather conditions

One of the most common causes of a raised tattoo is exposure to extreme weather conditions. Changes in temperature, humidity, and sun exposure can cause the skin to swell and make tattoos look swollen. This is especially true for new tattoos which may still be healing. During this time, it’s important to keep your tattoo out of direct sunlight, keep it covered in cold weather, and moisturize it regularly to ensure that it’s healing properly. [1]

Is It Normal For A Tattoo To Be Raised?

A normal bodily reaction

In some cases, a raised tattoo can simply be the body’s natural reaction to the ink. The body may form a light scab as part of its healing process, which can cause your tattoo to look swollen or raised at first. This is completely normal and should go away within a few weeks once the skin has fully healed. [4]

Body Chemistry

Body chemistry can also affect how your tattoo looks and feels. Your body’s natural oils and sweat can break down the ink, causing it to become raised on the skin’s surface. To prevent this from happening, make sure you’re moisturizing regularly and using a light layer of fragrance-free lotion or oil to keep the area hydrated. [2]

Warning Signs

If your tattoo is raised and also accompanied by any of the following symptoms, it may be a sign that something more serious is going on:

  • Redness;
  • Swelling;
  • Itching or burning sensation in the area;
  • Pus or fluid oozing from the skin;

In these cases, it’s important to seek medical attention as soon as possible. Your doctor can examine the area and determine if an infection is present or if the raised tattoo is simply a normal part of the healing process. [2]

Prolonged Itching

If your tattoo is raised and you’re experiencing prolonged itching, it could be a sign that the area is still healing. This itching can often last for several weeks or months and can be uncomfortable. To relieve the itching, try applying a light layer of fragrance-free lotion or oil to keep the area hydrated. You should also avoid scratching the area or picking at any scabs that may have formed. [3]


If your tattoo is raised, it’s important to keep an eye out for signs of scarring. Scarring can occur if the skin has been overworked or irritated during the healing process. To prevent this from happening, make sure you avoid scratching the area and keep it clean and moisturized. If you notice any signs of scarring, contact your doctor as soon as possible for treatment. [3]

High Blood Pressure

In some cases, raised tattoos can be caused by high blood pressure. High blood pressure can cause the skin to swell and make your tattoo look raised or swollen. If you have a history of high blood pressure, it’s important to consult with your doctor before getting a tattoo so they can check that your condition is under control. [3]


If your tattoo is raised and accompanied by swelling, it could be a sign of infection. Infections can occur if the skin has been exposed to bacteria during the healing process. If you’re experiencing any signs of an infection (such as redness, swelling, fever, or pus), make sure to seek medical attention right away as this could lead to more serious health issues. [3]

Bad Healing

If your tattoo is raised and the area around it looks discolored or irritated, this could be a sign of bad healing. Bad healing can occur if the artist applies too much pressure while applying the ink or if the skin hasn’t been given enough time to heal properly. To avoid this, make sure you follow all aftercare instructions closely and avoid scratching or picking at the area. [3]

Older Tattoos May Be Raised Due To Scar Tissue


If your tattoo is raised and accompanied by any of the following symptoms, it could be a sign of infection:

  • Redness;
  • Swelling;
  • Pus or fluid oozing from the skin;
  • Itching or burning sensation in the area [3];

Fresh Tattoos Will Be Swollen And Not “Settled In” Yet

It’s important to remember that fresh tattoos will be swollen and not ‘settled in’ yet. This is completely normal and should go away within a few weeks once the skin has fully healed. Your artist may also recommend that you massage the area with a light moisturizer or oil to help it settle into its new shape. [1]

Older Tattoos May Be Raised Due To Scar Tissue

If your tattoo is older and has become raised, it could be a sign of scar tissue. Scar tissue can form after an injury or when the skin doesn’t heal properly. In these cases, it’s important to consult with your doctor who can advise you on treatment options for reducing the swelling and restoring the original shape of your tattoo. [1]

Allergic Reactions To Ink Could Cause Swelling

In some cases, an allergic reaction to the ink used for your tattoo could cause swelling and raised skin. If you suspect that this is the cause of your raised tattoo, seek medical attention right away as this can be a serious health issue. Your doctor can test the area to determine if an allergy is present and offer treatment options. [1]

The Formation of Scabs and Crust

After getting a tattoo, it’s normal for scabs and crusts to form on the skin. This is an important part of the healing process and should not be picked at or scratched. To help minimize the formation of these scabs and crusts, make sure you keep the area moisturized with lotion or oil. [4]

How To Treat A Raised Tattoo?

If your tattoo is raised, the best thing to do is to consult with a professional. Your artist may be able to advise you on what could have caused it and the best way to go about treating it.

Here are some tips for how you can treat a raised tattoo:

  • Visit your tattoo artist for an evaluation and advice. They will be able to advise you on the best way to proceed;
  • Keep your tattoo clean by washing it with a mild, non-scented soap twice a day. This will help keep bacteria away and reduce inflammation in the area;
  • Apply a thin layer of ointment or lotion to the raised area. This will help soothe the skin and reduce itching or discomfort;
  • Make sure you’re drinking plenty of water to stay hydrated. Staying hydrated helps your body heal, which can help your tattoo look better over time;
  • Wear loose clothing over the area so that it doesn’t rub or become irritated;

If your tattoo is still raised after trying all of these options, it could be indicative of an infection. In this case, you should visit a doctor to get antibiotics and have the affected area checked out. [1]

How To Treat A Raised Tattoo?

Why is My Tattoo Raised and Itchy at the Same Time? 

Itching and raised skin are two common side effects of tattoos. When you have both, it can be a sign that your body is having an allergic reaction to the ink or other material used in your tattoo.

The first thing you should do if your tattoo is raised and itchy is to check with your tattoo artist. Your artist may be able to help you determine what is causing your allergic reaction and suggest solutions.

If the cause of your raised, itchy tattoo isn’t clear, it may be best to consult a doctor or dermatologist. This can help you identify if your body is reacting to the ink itself or something like an infection. [2]

Know Your Skin

It’s important to understand your skin type before getting a new tattoo. People with oily or thick skin are more likely to experience raised tattoos. That’s because oil and thicker dermal layers can cause ink particles to flow out, resulting in raised tattoos. [6]

Tips for Long-Term Tattoo Aftercare

Now that you know why your tattoo is raised, let’s talk about how to prevent it from happening again. Proper aftercare is critical for keeping tattoos looking good and lasting long-term!

Here are some tips for taking care of your tattoo:

  1. Follow the instructions given by your artist – Your artist will provide detailed instructions on how to care for your tattoo. Make sure you follow their advice carefully, as it’s tailored to the type of ink and individual healing process of your skin;
  2. Keep your tattoo clean – This means washing with mild soap and lukewarm water twice daily until healed. Avoid scrubbing or applying any harsh chemicals or perfumes, as this can irritate the skin and delay healing;
  3. Use a moisturizer – Keeping your tattoo well-moisturized is important for preventing it from drying out and becoming itchy or scaly. Choose a fragrance-free lotion specifically designed for tattoos; apply it two to three times daily while your tattoo is still healing;
  4. Protect your tattoo from the sun – UV rays can cause fading, so be sure to wear sunscreen (at least SPF30) when you’re outside for shorter periods of time or use clothing to cover up longer exposure. Avoid tanning beds and hot tubs during the healing process as well;
  5. Don’t pick or scratch – Resist the temptation to pick or scratch at any flaking, peeling ink. Instead, apply a mild lotion to keep it hydrated and let it heal naturally [5];

Why is My Tattoo Raised and Itchy at the Same Time? 


Is it normal for a tattoo to be raised?

Yes, it’s absolutely normal for a tattoo to be raised. The skin naturally reacts to the trauma of being injected with ink and other pigments by sending more blood flow to the area which causes swelling and inflammation. This is why tattoos can look swollen and feel tender or even painful during the healing process. As your body heals from the tattoo, the extra blood flow will recede, causing your tattoo to settle and appear more normal.

Will the raised tattoo go down?

Yes, the raised parts of a new tattoo will usually go down as your body heals. It can take anywhere from several days to weeks for it to happen, so be patient! In extreme cases, it may take up to a few months before your tattoo is completely healed and the area is free from lumps or bumps.

How long should a tattoo feel raised?

It will depend on the size and complexity of your tattoo. Smaller tattoos usually take less time to heal than larger ones, so you may find that a small tattoo feels raised for just a few days while a large one may take up to several weeks or even months before it settles down completely.

Why is my tattoo super raised?

If your tattoo is very raised and it has been several weeks since you had it done, it could be due to a few different factors. These include poor aftercare, an allergic reaction to the ink or pigments used, or even infection. If this happens, contact your artist immediately so they can assess the situation and determine if anything needs to be done to help it heal properly.

How do you get rid of raised skin on a tattoo?

If you’re experiencing raised skin on your tattoo, the best thing to do is to keep it clean and moisturized. Gently massage the area with a gentle lotion or cream to encourage circulation and healing. If your skin is still raised after several weeks, contact your artist for advice or seek professional medical help if necessary.

How long does it take for tattoo bumps to go away?

The amount of time it takes for a tattoo bump to go away will depend primarily on the size and complexity of your tattoo. Generally speaking, most bumps should go away within a few weeks to several months after the tattoo is done. However, if you’re still experiencing bumps or raised skin after this time frame, contact your artist for advice.

How do you know if your body is rejecting a tattoo?

Although it’s rare, there are certain signs to look out for that could indicate your body is rejecting a tattoo. These include excessive redness, raised and bumpy skin around the area, unusual itching or burning sensations, and pus-like discharge. If you notice any of these symptoms, contact your artist or doctor right away.

How long does it take for tattoo bumps to go away?

Why is my tattoo still raised after a month?

If your tattoo is still raised after a month, there could be a few different things going on. It may not have healed properly due to poor aftercare or an allergic reaction to the ink or other pigments used. If this is the case, contact your artist right away so they can assess the situation and determine if any steps need to be taken in order to help it heal properly.

Why is my healed tattoo raised and itchy?

If your healed tattoo is raised and itchy, it could be due to an infection or allergic reaction. It’s important to contact your artist right away if this happens so they can assess the situation and determine if any steps need to be taken in order to help it heal properly. In some cases, topical creams or antibiotics may be necessary.

Useful Video: How to Know if Your Tattoo is Infected


When it comes to tattoos, raised skin is something that most people want to avoid. The best way to do this is to take care of your skin and keep your tattoo area moisturized and clean in order to help the ink stay in place. Additionally, you should be mindful of any irritation caused by clothing or another contact with the tattooed area.

If you find that your tattoo is raised or has other issues, make sure to contact your artist as soon as possible for advice and treatment options. Remember, it’s much better to catch any problems early on before they become more serious.

Tattooing is a form of art that should be respected and taken care of, so make sure to follow the aftercare instructions that your artist has given you. With proper care, your tattoo will last for many years and look just like it did when it was freshly done.

Good luck! We hope this article has answered any questions you have about why your tattoo is raised and how to keep it looking its best.


  1. https://www.storiesandink.com/blogs/journal/why-is-my-tattoo-swollen-and-raised
  2. https://sorrymomshop.com/blog/aftercare/raised-tattoo
  3. https://tattify.com/raised-tattoo/
  4. https://www.savedtattoo.com/how-to-fix-a-raised-tattoo/
  5. https://ink-match.com/insights/how-to-fix-a-raised-tattoo/#gref
  6. https://authoritytattoo.com/old-tattoo-still-raised/