How to Fade a Tattoo?

How to Fade a Tattoo?

Tattoos have been around for centuries, but fading a tattoo quickly and safely is not something that has always been easy. However, with advances in modern technology and skin care products, there are now several methods available to help you fade a tattoo and reduce its visibility. In this article, we will cover the different types of tattoo fading treatments, how to choose the best one for your individual needs, and provide some tips on how to take care of a fading tattoo. We’ll also answer some frequently asked questions about tattoo fading so you can make an informed decision when considering tattoo removal or fading treatment. Let’s get started!

Main Things You Should Know About Tattoo Fading

When it comes to tattoo fading, there are some key points you should know. First, the length of time it takes for a tattoo to fade depends on several factors, including the size and color of your tattoo, as well as your skin type.

Generally speaking, most tattoos will begin to fade within 2-4 weeks after treatment. It’s also important to note that some tattoos may take longer to fade than others, and this is especially true for larger and more complex tattoos.

It’s also worth noting that different types of tattoo fading treatments work differently on each individual. Some treatments are better suited for dark or bold colors, while others are best for light or multicolored tattoos. So, it’s important to consult with a professional who can help you select the best treatment for your specific needs.

Main Things You Should Know About Tattoo Fading

Finally, while tattoo fading treatments are generally safe and effective, they may cause some discomfort during or after the procedure. It’s important to talk to your doctor about any risks associated with the treatment and to follow all aftercare instructions carefully. [1]

Exposure To Sunlight

Exposure to sunlight is one of the most popular ways to fade a tattoo. To get rid of your ink, you should expose any affected areas to the sunlight for 15 minutes at least once a week. Doing this helps speed up the fading process and can even lead to complete removal over time.

Just be sure to protect your skin from damage by using a quality sunscreen with an SPF rating of at least 30. Don’t forget to reapply sunscreen every two hours, or after swimming and sweating activities. Even if it’s cloudy outside, make sure you apply sunscreen with UVA/UVB protection. [2]

Honey, Salt, Yogurt, and Aloe Vera

Four natural methods for fading your tattoo have been gaining popularity in recent years. Though these methods may not be as effective as laser treatments, they’re worth a try if you want to start the process of fading your tattoo without spending too much money:

  • Honey is known for its healing properties and has been used for centuries to treat wounds. To use honey on your tattoo, you can apply it directly to the area with a cotton swab or wrap the tattoo with a gauze pad soaked in honey. Leave the honey on for 10-15 minutes and then wash off with cold water. Do this twice daily for best results;
  • Salt is another popular method for fading your tattoo. To use it, you can mix one tablespoon of salt with two tablespoons of hot water and dissolve it in a small container. Soak a cotton swab in the solution and apply it directly to the tattooed area. Leave on for 10 minutes before washing off with cold water. Repeat this twice daily for best results;
  • Yogurt can also be used to fade tattoos. To use yogurt on your tattoo, simply apply it directly to the area with a cotton swab and leave it on for 20 minutes before washing it off with cold water. Repeat this twice daily for best results;
  • Aloe vera is another natural remedy that can help fade tattoos. To use aloe vera on your tattoo, apply the gel directly to the area and leave it on for 10-15 minutes. Wash off with cold water and repeat twice daily for best results [3];

Honey, Salt, Yogurt, and Aloe Vera

Salicylic Acid

Salicylic acid is a common ingredient in topical creams and gels used to treat acne, psoriasis, and other skin conditions. It works by exfoliating the top layer of skin cells, leading to a gradual lightening of the tattoo. In some cases, it may also help reduce the intensity of colors used in tattoos.

It’s important to note that salicylic acid is most effective on newer tattoos. It also may cause minor skin irritation and should never be used with any other tattoo-fading product. Before using a product containing salicylic acid, it’s best to speak with your doctor or dermatologist to make sure it is right for you.

When using salicylic acid, it’s important to apply the cream or gel only to the tattooed area. It should be applied as directed by the manufacturer and left on for the recommended amount of time before washing off with cool water. For best results, repeat this process 1-2 times a day until the desired fading is achieved. [3]

DIY Tattoo Removal Cream

While it’s possible to buy specialized creams and gels that are specifically designed to fade tattoos, you may choose to use common ingredients found around the home. Some people have reported positive results with mixtures containing baking soda, lemon juice, and hydrogen peroxide. However, be aware that these concoctions can cause burns if used incorrectly or left on the skin for too long, so use them with caution.

Before applying any homemade mixture to your tattoo, be sure to test it on a small area of skin that isn’t affected by the tattoo and wait 24 hours to make sure there are no adverse reactions. Also, keep in mind that DIY methods tend to take longer than professional treatments when it comes to fading tattoos, so be prepared to wait. [3] 

Using Skin Lightening Agents

Lemon or Lime Juice & Hydrogen Peroxide

One of the most common methods used to fade tattoos is skin-lightening agents. Products such as hydroquinone and tretinoin are available in concentrations that can be used safely on the skin. They work by targeting and breaking down melanin, which is responsible for giving your skin its color. These products can take several months to show results and can be irritating, so it’s important to follow the instructions provided with them carefully.

Another popular method for fading tattoos is the use of lemon or lime juice mixed with hydrogen peroxide. This combination helps to break down the ink particles in your skin as well as lighten its color. To use this method, you’ll need to mix the juice and hydrogen peroxide together before applying them to the tattoo. Let it sit on your skin for up to 20 minutes, then rinse with cool water. You can repeat this process as often as every other day until you start seeing results. Keep in mind that this method may be somewhat painful and can sometimes cause skin irritation, so it’s important to use this method responsibly and with caution.[1]

Tattoo Removal Cream 

Tattoo removal creams are another popular method of fading tattoos. These creams contain ingredients that help to break down and fade away the tattoo ink on your skin. While these products may be easier and less painful than other methods, they can take longer to show results and may cause some skin irritation. It’s important to follow the instructions carefully and not use more than the recommended amount of cream. [1]

Using Skin Lightening Agents

Surgical Methods of Removing Tattoos

Laser Surgery

Tattoo laser surgery is one of the most popular, effective, and least risky methods for removing tattoos. It involves applying an ultra-short pulse of light energy to the tattoo in order to break up the ink particles which are then gradually removed from the body by the immune system. The process usually requires a series of treatments depending on the size and complexity of the tattoo.

The most common laser used for tattoo removal is the Q-switched (QS) laser, which is able to break up the ink particles without damaging or burning the surrounding skin tissue. It’s important to note that not all tattoos can be removed by laser – this technique may not be suitable if your tattoo is larger than a few inches or if it contains vibrant colors such as red, blue, and green. [3]

Surgical Excision

If you have a small tattoo, surgical excision may be an option. This technique involves cutting the tattoo out of the skin using a scalpel and then suturing (stitching) the area closed. Surgery is usually used as a last resort because it carries greater risks than laser treatment – there is some risk of infection and scarring and it requires a period of healing. [3]

Intense Pulsed Light Method (IPL)

IPL is another popular and effective method for the removal of tattoos. It works by using intense pulses of light to break up the ink particles in the tattoo without causing damage to the surrounding skin tissue. This technique is usually used for small, shallow tattoos and can be done in just one session with minimal risk of scarring or infection. [3]


Cryosurgery, or cryotherapy, is a method for removing tattoos that involves freezing the tattooed area with liquid nitrogen. This technique works by destroying the ink particles in the tattoo and allowing them to be gradually absorbed by the body. It is often used as an alternative to laser surgery but can cause some side effects such as blistering and scarring of the skin. [3]

Exfoliating Tattooed Skin

Exfoliating your tattooed skin is a key step in the tattoo fading process. By removing the top layer of skin cells, you’ll create a smoother surface that’s more receptive to topical treatments. You can exfoliate your tattoo by using gentle scrubs or body brushes. If you choose to use a scrub, make sure it has very fine grains so it won’t damage your skin. You should also use light pressure when scrubbing, as too much pressure can cause irritation and discomfort. After exfoliating, make sure to apply a moisturizer to keep your skin hydrated. [1]

Sugar or Salt Scrub

A sugar or salt scrub may be used to help fade a tattoo. This method involves mixing either white or brown sugar or salt with a few drops of water and rubbing the mixture on the skin over the tattoo for 15 minutes once per day or every other day. The goal is to gently exfoliate the area, removing some of the top layers of skin and causing the tattoo to fade. This method may take several months or longer depending on the size, color, and type of ink used in the tattoo. [1]

More Professional Solution

If you don’t mind spending money and want to opt for a professional solution, laser tattoo removal is the most reliable way of getting rid of tattoos. The process involves using laser energy directed at the skin to break up the ink particles beneath its surface. This method of fading is relatively quick and painless when compared to other methods, and it’s typically the most successful. Depending on the size and complexity of your tattoo, laser removal can cost anywhere from a few hundred to thousands of dollars. [1]

Surgical Methods of Removing Tattoos

Laser Removal Procedure

The laser tattoo removal process is one of the most common methods used to fade tattoos. During the procedure, a highly concentrated laser beam passes through the skin and breaks up the pigment colors of a tattoo into tiny particles. The smaller pieces are then absorbed by the body’s natural defense system, leaving behind lighter patches or sometimes even no trace of the tattoo. 

The process is usually done in a series of sessions and can require up to 8-10 treatments for complete removal, depending on the size of the tattoo and its location in the body. Each session lasts from 45 minutes to 1 hour and requires several hours or more between each appointment for recovery. [1]

Other Things That Might Cause Tattoo Fading (But Are Not Recommended)


Tanning may seem like a quick and easy way to fade your tattoo, but it’s not recommended. Not only does UV radiation break down the pigments in the ink, but it can also cause premature skin aging and even skin cancer. [2]


Friction is another method some people use to fade their tattoos. However, it’s not recommended because of its abrasive nature. Rubbing your skin too harshly can cause irritation and scarring, as well as infection. [2]

Not Following the Aftercare Routine

Aftercare is an important part of the healing process and maintaining your tattoo’s appearance. When done correctly, it can help keep your tattoo looking fresh and vibrant. For best results, follow the aftercare instructions provided by your artist. [2]


Smoking can also contribute to tattoo fading. It decreases the amount of oxygen that reaches your skin, which affects the healing process and thus contributes to fading.

Knowing how to properly care for a newly-inked tattoo is essential in order to maintain its vibrant colors and sharp lines. To prevent any unwanted fading, it’s important to follow the aftercare instructions provided by your artist and avoid any of the methods mentioned above. With proper care, you can enjoy your tattoo for years to come! [2]

Other Things That Might Cause Tattoo Fading (But Are Not Recommended)

Should You Go For a DIY Approach?

When it comes to fading a tattoo, some people opt for the DIY approach. This can often be a cheaper option compared to professional tattoo removal services and the process itself can be quite straightforward.

However, it’s important to exercise caution when using products recommended for at-home use. Different skin types may respond differently in terms of effectiveness and long-term results. Also, it is important to carefully follow the instructions for use of the product in question, as the improper application may lead to adverse effects such as skin irritation or even scarring. [2] 


Can you fade a tattoo away?

Yes. Fading a tattoo is possible and there are several products, methods, and treatments to help achieve this. Depending on the quality of your skin, the size and color of the tattoo, and other factors, it can take anywhere from months to years for the ink to completely fade away.

How can I speed up my tattoo fading?

The best way to speed up the fading of your tattoo is by avoiding direct exposure to sunlight and tanning beds. UV radiation can cause damage to skin cells, making it harder for laser treatments or topical creams to effectively fade your tattoo. Additionally, keeping your skin healthy and hydrated after treatment will also help ink fade away faster.

Can you get rid of a tattoo naturally?

Yes. While laser treatments are the most common form of tattoo removal, there are also natural methods available that can help fade tattoos. Natural remedies such as lemon juice and apple cider vinegar have been known to be effective in fading away tattoos over time. Additionally, you can use topical creams specifically designed for tattoo removal which contain natural ingredients that help break down ink molecules.

Does lemon fade tattoos?

Lemon juice has long been used as a natural method of tattoo fading. The acidic pH of lemon juice helps to break down the ink particles in tattoos, making it easier to erase them with time. However, keep in mind that this method is not recommended if you have sensitive skin and can cause burning or irritation. For those with more resilient skin, applying lemon juice every day can help fade tattoos over time.

What color cancels tattoos?

It is possible to use a contrasting color to your tattoo in order to help it fade away. For example, if you have a black tattoo you can use white ink or a highlighter marker on top of the area to help break down the ink particles and make them easier to remove. Additionally, using colors that are darker than your own tattoo can help to cancel out the ink, resulting in a lighter appearance.

Can salt remove a tattoo?

Salt is a popular natural remedy used to fade tattoos. Salt helps to break down the ink molecules, making it easier for laser treatments or topical creams to penetrate deeper into the skin and remove the tattoo over time. To use salt as a method of fading your tattoo, mix together table salt and hot water until it forms a paste before applying it to the tattooed area. However, it is important to note that this method can be harsh on sensitive skin and may cause irritation so it is best to test a small area first before using it on a larger area.

Can Vaseline remove tattoos?

Vaseline is not generally recommended for tattoo removal, as it doesn’t actually help to fade the ink. However, it does have some moisturizing properties that can help keep skin hydrated and healthy after treatments like laser or topical creams. Additionally, Vaseline can help protect a fresh tattoo from infection by keeping dirt and germs away while it heals.

Can Vaseline remove tattoos?

Does olive oil remove tattoos?

Olive oil can be used as a natural remedy for fading tattoos over time. It contains antioxidants that help to break down the ink particles and make them easier to remove. Additionally, the nourishing properties of olive oil can also help keep skin healthy and moisturized after treatments like laser or topical creams. To use olive oil as a method of fading your tattoo, apply it regularly to the area and gently massage it in. This can help to slowly but surely fade the ink away.

Can bleach remove tattoos?

No. Using bleach as a method of tattoo removal is highly discouraged, as it can cause severe damage to your skin and even lead to scarring or infection. Additionally, the harsh chemicals in bleach can have long-term effects on your health, so you should always avoid using it for any kind of tattoo removal. Instead, opt for natural remedies such as lemon juice, apple cider vinegar, or salt which can help to fade tattoos in a safe and effective way.

Useful Video: 7 Things That Make Your Tattoo Fade Quick


Fading a tattoo is not an easy process and it can take a lot of time and commitment. It’s important to remember that there is no one-size fits all solution when it comes to fading tattoos. Some people may find success with laser treatments while others would prefer natural methods such as salt or lemon juice. In any case, if you decide to go ahead with fading your tattoo, it’s important to speak to a professional who can offer advice and recommendations. Ultimately, the best way to fade a tattoo is the one that works for you.

