Can You Wax Over a Tattoo?

If you’ve ever had a tattoo and then decided that you want to get rid of it, you may be wondering if waxing is an option. The answer is yes – you can wax over a tattoo! However, there are some things you need to keep in mind before you do. In this article, we will discuss the pros and cons of waxing over a tattoo and offer some tips for how to make the process go as smoothly as possible.

What is tattoo waxing?

Tattoo waxing is a process whereby a special wax is applied over the tattooed area in order to remove the pigment from the skin. This can be done at home or by a professional, but it’s important to note that it can be quite painful and may not always be effective.

There are two main types of tattoo waxing: cold waxing and hot waxing.
Cold waxing uses a roll-on applicator filled with a waxy substance that is then applied to the skin and left to harden. Once hardened, the wax is then peeled off, taking the tattoo pigments with it. Hot waxing, on the other hand, involves heating up the wax until it becomes liquid and then applying it directly to the tattooed area. After a few minutes, the wax will harden and can then be peeled off. [1]

Both methods can be effective, but hot waxing is generally considered to be more so. This is because the heat from the wax helps to break down the bonds between the pigment molecules and the skin cells, making it easier for the wax to remove them.

What is tattoo waxing?

Сold waxing may not be as effective in removing tattoo pigments as hot waxing; however, it is generally less painful and has a shorter recovery time. If you decide to go with cold waxing, make sure that you use an applicator that is specifically designed for tattoos – otherwise, you run the risk of damaging your skin.

Is it better to shave or wax over a tattoo?

If you’re trying to remove a tattoo, waxing is generally the better option. This is because shaving can actually cause the tattoo pigment to spread out and become more diffuse, making it harder to remove completely. Waxing, on the other hand, will pull the pigment up and out of the skin, making it easier to remove.

Waxing is not contraindicated for people who have tattoos. However, keep in mind that not all types of waxing are suitable for areas of skin with tattoos. For epilation of tattooed skin, it is better to resort to such a type of epilation as epilation with warm wax. Hot wax epilation in this case loses to warm wax epilation and here’s why. When epilating with warm wax, the wax interacts minimally directly with the skin. Thanks to this, the durability and brightness of the tattoo, its shape or pattern will not suffer in any way. Also, with warm wax epilation, a thinner layer of cells is removed from the skin surface than with hot wax epilation, which is also more preferable if you care about the quality of the tattoo.

An important element for maintaining a good quality tattoo is proper skin care between epilation sessions. It is necessary to thoroughly moisturize the skin daily with the help of special creams and balms. It is recommended to wait 8 to 12 months after getting a tattoo before waxing the tattooed area.

However, many masters claim that 2 months is enough after the complete healing of the skin after tattooing.

You should also remember that regardless of when the tattoo was made, your skin in the tattooed area will be more sensitive than before the tattoo.

As for waxing before you get a tattoo, you need to visit an epilation session at least a week in advance. In this case, waxing is preferable, and not, for example, shaving or depilatory cream. You can only tattoo on skin that does not have injuries, cuts, razor scratches or chemical burns that may occur due to the use of depilatory cream.

Is it better to shave or wax over a tattoo?

Of course, there are downsides to waxing as well – namely, that it can be quite painful. If you have a low pain threshold or are particularly sensitive to pain, then you may want to consider another method of removing your tattoo.

Does waxing remove tattoos?

Waxing can be an effective way to remove tattoos, but it’s important to keep in mind that it’s not always 100% successful. In some cases, the tattoo pigment may not come up completely, or it may only partially fade. If this happens, you may need to repeat the waxing process a few times before the tattoo is completely gone.

It’s also worth noting that waxing can cause some skin irritation, redness, and swelling. If you have a history of sensitive skin or allergies, then you should speak to your doctor before trying this method.

If you decide to go ahead with tattoo waxing, there are a few things you can do to help ensure that it goes as smoothly as possible. First, make sure that you exfoliate the area around your tattoo before waxing. This will help to remove any dead skin cells that could potentially block the wax from getting to the tattoo pigment.

Second, use a quality wax that is specifically designed for tattoos. Cheap, store-bought waxes may not be as effective and could even cause further irritation to your skin.

Finally, don’t try to wax over a tattoo yourself – always go to a professional who has experience in this type of procedure. They’ll know how to properly apply the wax and will be able to minimize any pain or discomfort.

What do tattoo artists use to remove hair?

Tattoo artists generally use two different methods to remove hair from the skin before tattooing: shaving and waxing.

What do tattoo artists use to remove hair?

Shaving is usually the preferred method, as it provides a closer shave and helps to avoid ingrown hairs. However, it’s important to note that shaving can also irritate the skin and may not be suitable for everyone. [2]

Waxing is another popular option, but it’s generally seen as being more painful than shaving. It’s also worth noting that waxing can cause some redness and swelling, so it’s not suitable for people with sensitive skin.

Can I pluck hair from my new tattoo?

It’s generally not a good idea to pluck hair from a new tattoo, as this can irritate the skin and may cause the tattoo pigment to spread.

If you must remove hair from the area, it’s best to do so with a razor or wax – never with tweezers.

The presence of a long-healed tattoo on the depilated area is not a contraindication for depilation with wax and sugar. Carriers of a fresh, not yet healed pattern on the body, have to be patient. After applying the tattoo, a crust forms on the skin, which in no case should be disturbed so as not to damage the drawing. Some tattoo artists claim that after two months after the healing of the tattoo, it is possible to carry out the wax depilation or sugaring procedure. We still recommend waiting at least six months after getting a tattoo. [3]

Waxing Pre-Tattoo

If you’re considering getting a tattoo, you may be wondering if it’s okay to wax over the area beforehand. The short answer is yes, you can wax over a tattoo. However, there are a few things you should keep in mind before doing so.

For one, it’s important to make sure that your tattoo is completely healed before waxing. If it’s not, you run the risk of irritating or even damaging the skin. Secondly, it’s important to use a gentle wax that won’t pull too harshly on the skin. This is especially important if your tattoo is in a sensitive area like your bikini line or underarms.

Waxing Post Tattoo

Once your tattoo is fully healed, you can wax over it as usual. Just be sure to use a gentle wax and go slowly to avoid irritating the skin. If you have any concerns, always consult with your tattoo artist before waxing over your tattoo.

When choosing waxing to get rid of excess vegetation, it is better to undergo a procedure using warm wax, since it has many advantages over the hot method.

Waxing Post Tattoo

Warm wax will allow you to get rid of the hairs and not change the color of the pattern. It is better not to use hot wax – the quality of the tattoo may suffer from it.

Warm wax removes a very thin layer of the epidermis, the method is easier and more comfortable, less traumatic. Hot – acts deeper, which means that its consequences can cause a negative reaction in the form of a distorted pattern.

Keep in mind that the skin after a tattoo always becomes sensitive, so choose the most gentle procedures for it.

Protecting The Tattoo

Waxing is not the only way to remove hair in the area around your tattoo. If you’re worried about damaging your tattoo, you can also try shaving or using a depilatory cream. These methods are generally considered to be safer for tattoos than waxing.

No matter what method you choose, it’s important to take care of your tattoo after hair removal. Be sure to moisturize the area and keep it clean to avoid infection. And if you have any concerns, always consult with your tattoo artist before taking any action.

According to experts, tattoo care should be continuous: first, you need to take care of the healing of the skin on which the drawing is applied, and then carefully monitor the preservation of the brightness and saturation of the color and clarity of the tattoo.

The master in the tattoo parlor must definitely give recommendations regarding the care of a freshly applied tattoo. Subject to all the rules and recommendations of a specialist, a permanent drawing on the body will retain the saturation of colors for a long time. In the future, it is recommended to actively prevent the fading of the tattoo.

If you are interested in how quickly a tattoo fades, then experts say that with proper care, a professionally made tattoo does not fade for 5-10 years.

How to keep the color and brightness of the tattoo

1. In order for the tattoo to remain unchanged, you need to choose the right place for its placement. It is better to use those parts of the body for this, the skin on which retains elasticity for a long time and undergoes age-related metamorphoses more slowly. The best places for tattooing are the shoulder blades and ankles.

Red, black, blue and brown patterns last the longest. Other colors are more prone to fading. A professional in his field will help you with knowledge of the matter to choose a tattoo that will meet your expectations.

3. Exposure to sunlight contributes to the fact that the pattern on the body fades. To prevent this from happening, you need to cover the tattoo from the sun with clothing or a bandage, or use a special cream (from 30 SPF) that protects the skin from UV radiation.

4. When visiting a solarium, a special cream must be applied to the tattoo to protect it from lamp radiation, which affects the pigment of the pattern more than the usual sun.

5. Regular use of the pool can lead to a rapid fading of the pattern. The fact is that chlorine, which disinfects water, washes out the pattern.

Therefore, until complete healing, wear loose clothing that will not come into contact with the tattooed area of the skin.

How to keep the color and brightness of the tattoo

To keep the brightness of the tattoo as long as possible, you need to properly care for the skin in this place. One of the simplest and most effective ways is to regularly lubricate the skin in this place with olive or sea buckthorn oil. However, for this it is important that the tattoo is already “settled”, that is, that the paint is already firmly embedded in the layers of the skin.

8. In no case should you wipe the drawing with solutions containing alcohol. It is also worth protecting the tattooed area of ​​the body from the effects of various cosmetic creams, gels, deodorants, etc.

9. Many household chemicals work in a similar way, so avoid these substances in every possible way on the tattoo design.

To preserve the color of the tattoo, it is recommended to eat food rich in natural vitamin E, as well as synthesized vitamins.

No matter how high-quality tattoo inks are, they tend to fade under the influence of external factors. In order to maintain the brightness of the color and the clarity of the permanent pattern on the skin, it is necessary to constantly follow the rules for caring for a tattoo.[4]


How can I remove a tattoo at home?

There are a few methods you can try, but it’s important to consult with your tattoo artist before taking any action. Some at-home methods include shaving, using a depilatory cream, or applying a mixture of aloe vera and lemon juice to the tattoo.

What to do if you regret a tattoo?

If you regret getting a tattoo, there are a few options for removal. You can try at-home methods like shaving or using a depilatory cream. Or, you can consult with a tattoo artist about professional removal methods like laser therapy.

Whichever method you choose, it’s important to take care of your skin afterwards. Be sure to moisturize the area and keep it clean to avoid infection. And if you have any concerns, always consult with your tattoo artist before taking any action.

Does Vaseline fade tattoos?

Vaseline can help to fade a tattoo over time, but it’s important to consult with your tattoo artist before taking any action. Some artists recommend using a mixture of Vaseline and lemon juice to fade a tattoo. However, this method is not always effective and can actually cause more damage to the skin. If you’re considering using this method, always consult with your tattoo artist first. [5]

What should you not put on a new tattoo?

You should avoid putting anything on a new tattoo that could irritate the skin. This includes things like lotions, creams, perfumes, and makeup. If you must put something on the area, always consult with your tattoo artist first. And be sure to wash the area gently with soap and water before applying anything.

Useful Video: Are you able to SHAVE & WAX A NEW TATTOO? #Minmonday


Waxing over a tattoo can be tricky, but it is possible. If you’re not careful, you can remove some of the ink with the wax and make your tattoo look worse than before. It’s best to consult with a professional before trying to wax over your own tattoo.

