Can You Get a Job With a Tattoo?

There’s no doubt that tattoos are becoming more and more popular – in fact, nearly half of millennials have at least one tattoo. But with this increase in popularity comes an increased number of questions about whether or not tattoos will affect your ability to get a job. In this article, we’ll answer some of the most common questions about tattoos and employment, so you can make the best decision for yourself!

Careers and Industries That Welcome Tattoos

There are some careers and industries that are more accepting of tattoos than others. For example, jobs in the creative field or jobs that involve working with the public are generally more tolerant of tattoos than corporate jobs. If you’re looking for a job in one of these fields, don’t let your tattoo hold you back – chances are, it won’t be an issue. [1]

However, even if you’re not in a traditionally “tattoo-friendly” career or industry, that doesn’t mean you can’t get a job with a tattoo. Many employers are becoming more open to hiring employees with visible tattoos – as long as they’re not offensive or inappropriate. So if you have a tattoo that you’re concerned about, don’t despair – there’s a good chance it won’t be an issue.

Careers and Industries That Welcome Tattoos

Of course, there are always exceptions to the rule. Some employers simply will not hire employees with visible tattoos, no matter what the tattoo is or what field you’re in.

If you’re considering a job with one of these employers, you may want to consider hiding your tattoo – either with clothing or makeup – during the interview process.

In the end, whether or not you can get a job with a tattoo comes down to the specific employer and the specific tattoo. There’s no hard and fast rule, so it’s important to do your research and make sure you’re comfortable with both before moving forward.

Why Do Tattoos Matter In Employment?

There are a few reasons why tattoos may matter in employment. For one, some employers believe that visible tattoos can be distracting or unprofessional. Additionally, some employers may be concerned about how customers or clients will react to employees with visible tattoos. And finally, some employers simply don’t like the look of tattoos and prefer their employees to be tattoo-free.

Of course, not all employers feel this way – in fact, many are becoming more accepting of visible tattoos.

However, it’s still important to be aware of the potential implications of having a tattoo before you get one.
That way, you can make the best decision for yourself and your career

There are a few reasons why tattoos may matter in employment. The first reason is that some employers have a dress code that prohibits visible tattoos. The second reason is that some people simply don’t like the way tattoos look and may judge you based on your appearance.

The third reason is that tattoos can be seen as unprofessional by potential employers. This is because they may think that you got the tattoo on a whim and didn’t think about the long-term implications it could have on your career.[2]

Can Someone Really Not Hire You Because of Your Tattoos?

Technically, yes – an employer can choose not to hire you because of your tattoos. However, this is generally only an issue if the tattoo is visible. If you have a tattoo that can be easily covered up with clothing or makeup, it’s unlikely to be an issue in the hiring process.

When choosing a candidate who will communicate with people, first of all, they evaluate their appearance. The presence of a tattoo can negatively set customers, buyers, representatives of firms and government agencies.

Can Someone Really Not Hire You Because of Your Tattoos?

Additionally, there are some exceptions to this rule. For example, if you’re applying for a job in the creative field, your tattoo is less likely to be an issue than if you’re applying for a corporate job. This is because tattoos are generally more accepted in creative fields – as they’re seen as being more artistic and unique.

Which Tattoos Are Not Acceptable In The Working Environment?

There are some tattoos that are not considered acceptable in the working environment – regardless of the field or industry. These include offensive tattoos, such as those that are racist, sexist, or homophobic. Additionally, some employers may object to visible profanity or nudity in tattoos. [3]

Much depends on the location of the tattoo. Working with children is unlikely to succeed if you have effectively decorated the visible parts of the body. When applying for a job, an applicant with a tattoo on his face, hands will definitely be refused. In many areas – a taboo for images with a pronounced prison meaning (thieves’ stars, rings). An applicant for a position in law enforcement agencies will be refused if a noticeable drawing is made on the neck or face.

If you have a tattoo that you’re concerned may not be acceptable in the workplace, it’s important to do your research before getting it. That way, you can make an informed decision about whether or not it’s right for you and your career.

In the end, whether or not you can get a job with a tattoo comes down to the specific employer and the specific tattoo.

Which High-Paying Jobs Accept Tattoos?

While there are some employers who may not be okay with visible tattoos, there are plenty of high-paying jobs that are perfectly fine with them. These include jobs in the creative field, such as graphic design or fashion, as well as many jobs in the tech industry. So if you’re worried about whether or not you can get a high-paying job with a tattoo, don’t be – chances are, it won’t be a problem.

Of course, every employer is different, so it’s always important to do your research before applying for a job. That way, you can be sure that your tattoo won’t hold you back from getting the position you want.

In fact, a lot depends on the location of your tattoo on the body. If it is not noticeable and easy to hide under clothing, then problems are unlikely to arise. For example, a tattoo on the face or hands is visible to the naked eye, so for a number of positions such decoration will be contraindicated.

Which High-Paying Jobs Accept Tattoos?

Here is a list of those areas and positions where drawings on the body are not welcome:

Model. Everything is clear here, since the model is the face of the brand, and tattoos can change the whole concept. If you dream of a modeling future, then, most likely, any tattoos will be contraindicated. The exception is brands with such a style of content, where tattoos are only in place, but this is rare.

Civil servants. State employees structures must always maintain a business image. But, unlike the profession of a model, tattoos are allowed here, which can be hidden under clothing.

Sellers in boutiques and shops with a strict dress code.

Bank and office workers. Bank employees must meet certain standards, just like office managers in companies with a dress code. If you are going to work in an office where business attire is not required, then the tattoo will not be of great importance. But then again, no one forbids a tattoo that can be hidden.

Employees of the police, prosecutor’s office, Ministry of Emergency Situations. We are talking about a ban on visible tattoos.

In areas such as working with children, you are unlikely to find a job.

Tattoos with a prison theme are also not welcome (rings, thieves’ stars). [4]

What job can you get with tattoos?

First, most companies don’t pay attention to a tattoo if it’s not visible. Therefore, if you hide the tattoo under clothes or hair, no one will know about it.

Tattoos on the back, hips, stomach, behind the ear and on the back of the neck are quite easy to hide without any discomfort to yourself.

And now about those areas where your tattoos will not be against:

  • At the technical support service
  • If you want to work as a bartender in a youth place
  • Hairdresser, makeup artist, stylist
  • In a young company with no outdated rules
  • In the field of design
  • In professions related to music
  • Work in a sports club
  • Painter
  • Broker
  • IT specialist
  • Chef or pastry chef

This is only a small part of those professions where they are loyal to the drawings on the body. [5]

What job can you get with tattoos?

And most importantly – if you are a valuable specialist, even in the most strict company they will turn a blind eye to your tattoos.


Will a tattoo keep me from getting a job?

It depends on the employer and the tattoo. Some employers may not be okay with visible tattoos, while others will have no problem with them. Furthermore, certain tattoos may not be acceptable in the workplace, such as those that are lewd or profane. Visible tattoos are fine for a variety of higher-paying professions, though many high-paying occupations do not object to visible tattoos. In other words, don’t freak out if you have a tattoo and are looking for a job – it’s probably not going to be an issue.

It is crucial to investigate an organization before you apply for a vacant position. Each employer has various wants and needs. This way, you’ll know your tattoo won’t prevent you from getting the job you want.

How many people are denied jobs because of tattoos?

There’s no way to know for sure how many people are denied jobs because of their tattoos. However, it’s generally only an issue if the tattoo is visible. If you have a tattoo that can be easily covered up with clothing or makeup, it’s unlikely to be an issue in the hiring process. Additionally, there are some exceptions to this rule – such as if you’re applying for a job in the creative field. So while there’s no way to know for sure how many people are denied jobs because of their tattoos, it’s probably not as common as you might think.

Often, you may be denied a job because of tattoos in visible places. In most cases, closed clothing can solve the problem. Tattoos on the back, chest, abdomen can very rarely fall into the field of view of others. Tattoos on the hips, ankles, shoulders and forearms can be covered with long sleeves and trousers. Thus, most tattoos remain inaccessible to prying eyes and are a personal matter of their owner.

How many people are denied jobs because of tattoos?

A serious problem in a career can be tattoos on the face or fingers, since these areas are always in sight. Many people can be confused by both the content of such tattoos and the very fact of their presence.

Being denied a job because of a tattoo can be both a whim of the authorities and a real need, for example, getting tattoos is strictly contraindicated for people working in the authorities, as well as models and actors, since hiding tattoos for filming is a very lengthy process.

If you work with people in the positions of a manager, consultant, or teacher, then if possible, refuse tattoos on exposed parts of the body, as this may confuse your employer and clients. But according to statistics, only 15% of applicants are denied a job due to the presence of tattoos. And then such drawings, as a rule, were of a criminal nature. Employers are usually much more loyal to images that carry only artistic value. [6]

If you work in areas related to culture and art, then there are usually no such high requirements for appearance and individuality is especially welcome! Musicians, artists, designers and other representatives of creative professions can safely decorate their bodies with a variety of designs. Also, such problems will not arise for those who work at home and freelancers. Among other things, if you are a first-class specialist in your field, then your tattoos will most likely just turn a blind eye.

Times and customs are changing for the better, so in the near future there will be much less problems with getting a job because of a tattoo.

If you doubt that a tattoo can affect your career, then we recommend starting with an inconspicuous design in a place hidden from prying eyes.

Are hand tattoos still considered unprofessional?

While hand tattoos were once considered unprofessional, that stigma is slowly but surely fading. A 2017 study by CareerBuilder found that 29% of employers said they were less likely to hire a candidate with a visible tattoo, down from 36% in 2016. And while there are still some professions where having a visible tattoo may not be ideal (think: law, banking, etc.), for the most part, having a small tattoo on your hand shouldn’t hold you back from landing a job. In fact, many employers see tattoos as a sign of creativity and individuality — two traits that can be valuable in any workplace. [7]

Of course, if you’re applying for a job where appearance is important (like customer-facing roles), it’s always a good idea to err on the side of caution and keep your tattoos covered. But if you’re comfortable with your ink being visible, there’s no reason to hide it—your future employer will likely be more open-minded than you think.

Can my employer ask me to cover tattoos?

In fact, many employers have dress codes that specifically mention visible tattoos. However, there are some exceptions to this rule. If your tattoo is a religious symbol, for example, your employer may not be able to force you to cover it up. And in some states, employers can’t discriminate against employees based on their body art (though this law typically only applies to private sector jobs).

In principle, the boss has no right to interfere in the personal lives of employees, which means that he cannot prohibit doing something or showing something. Exception: if the boss justifies why it is necessary to hide the tattoos, then such a requirement may be made. This may be asked if your work is related to customer service, for example, in a bank or hotel. If the tattoo is contrary to the concept of the place of work, the boss may also require to hide it. For example, if you are an employee of a vegetarian restaurant, and on your arm you have a tattoo that says: “Eat more meat!”. But even if you refuse to hide the tattoo, the boss has no right to fire you, although he can reprimand you. However, if your employment contract contains a clause banning tattoos, then you may indeed be fired. [8]

Useful Video: Can You Get Laser Hair Removal On Tattoos ?


The bottom line is that tattoos do not disqualify you from getting a job, but they may affect your ability to get hired. If you are thinking of getting a tattoo, be sure to research the policies of potential employers before making any decisions. Have you had experience with hiring someone with tattoos? Let us know in the comments below.

