Can You Get a Tattoo Touched Up After 2 Weeks?

Can You Get a Tattoo Touched Up After 2 Weeks?

Touching up a tattoo is something that many people do, and it’s something you may need regardless of whether or not you had your tattoo done in a professional setting by an expert artist. If your tattoo has healed and isn’t quite right, or if it is an older one that has faded over time, you might need to have it retouched.

The good news is that, in most cases, you can get a tattoo touched up after just a couple of weeks. Of course, there are some caveats to this. If your tattoo is still healing, it’s generally best to wait until it has fully healed before getting any touch-ups done. This will help ensure that the touch-ups take and look their best.

Additionally, if your tattoo was done by an inexperienced artist or in a less-than-professional setting, you may want to wait longer than 2 weeks before getting it touched up. In these cases, it’s often best to consult with a professional tattoo artist about when the best time for touch-ups would be. 

What Is a Tattoo Touch-Up?

It’s no secret that tattoos are becoming increasingly popular. One in five Americans has at least one tattoo! If you’re thinking of getting a tattoo, you may be wondering how long it will take for it to heal. Tattoos usually take about two weeks to heal completely, but you can start touching them up after just a week or two. In this blog post, we’ll discuss the healing process and provide tips for keeping your new tattoo looking its best!

What Is a Tattoo Touch-Up?

Tattoo details are everything- from the colors to the lines and all of the small flourishes. By ensuring that these elements are high quality, you can avoid your tattoo looking cheap. It’s not uncommon for people to finish healing from their tattoos and be a little disappointed with the result. The shading might be uneven, the colors might be patchy, or the lines look dull. Even though your tattoo is permanent, that disappointment doesn’t have to last forever [1].

Getting a touch-up on your tattoo can help you eliminate those minor flaws. A touch-up is an act of covering your current tattoo to repair any issues with it. A touch-up, like getting a new tattoo, generally entails adding little elements or shade to the existing inks. They’re frequently brief tasks that don’t need much time under the tattoo needle.

Touch-ups are frequently utilized to enhance new tattoos that have healed poorly, but they can also breathe new life into an old tattoo. Your tattoo will fade over time.

A touch-up can give an ancient tattoo a new lease of life by making the colors glitter and the details jump out like they used to. A different way to revise a tattoo is by doing a cover-up, where an entirely new design is inked over the old one.

Who Usually Needs a Tattoo Touch-Up?

There are a few types of people who usually need tattoo touch-ups:

  • The first are those with sensitive skin. If your skin is particularly sensitive, it can react to the tattooing process and cause the ink to spread or fade. This is why it’s important to get your tattoo done by a professional who knows how to work with sensitive skin;
  • Another type of person who may need a tattoo touch-up is someone who has had a lot of sun exposure. Ultraviolet rays can cause the ink in your tattoo to fade, so if you’ve been spending a lot of time in the sun, you may find that your tattoo isn’t as vibrant as it used to be;
  • Finally, some people simply aren’t happy with the way their tattoo looks after it’s healed. If you find that your tattoo isn’t what you wanted it to be, don’t hesitate to get a touch-up. It’s better to have a tattoo that you love than one that you’re not happy with;

Who Usually Needs a Tattoo Touch-Up?

How Long to Wait Before Getting a Tattoo Touch-Up?

The appearance of a tattoo can change during the healing process. Your skin needs to heal completely before you see the final result. Never touch up a tattoo that isn’t fully healed – it could cause more damage than good and you may end up with something entirely different from what you wanted [2].

Although it is commonly advised to wait until a tattoo has healed before getting a touch-up, we believe that imperfect tattoos should be fixed within 12 months of the original tattoo.

How Do You Know If Your Tattoo Needs Touching Up?

After your tattoo has healed, you may notice that some parts of it are not as sharp or vibrant as they once were. This is perfectly normal and is to be expected. However, if you feel like your tattoo needs more work, then you may be wondering if you can get it touched up.

The answer is yes, but there are a few things to keep in mind first:

  • For one, it’s important to wait at least 2 weeks before getting your tattoo touched up. This will give your skin enough time to heal completely and will also allow the ink to settle into place. Touching up a tattoo too soon can cause problems with the healing process and may even lead to infection;
  • Another thing to consider is that not all tattoos need to be touched up. If your tattoo is still fairly new, then it’s likely that the ink will continue to settle and sharpen over time. Give it a few months before you make a decision about touch-ups;

How Do You Know If Your Tattoo Needs Touching Up?

If you do decide to get your tattoo touched up, then be sure to find a reputable artist who has experience with this type of work. Touching up a tattoo is delicate work and requires a steady hand and an eye for detail. Don’t entrust your tattoo to just anyone – make sure you find someone you can trust!

Is a Touch-Up More Painful Than a Full Tattoo?

Your first tattoo touch-up may hurt less because you know what to expect, but this newfound knowledge could also work against you. Tensing up in anticipation of the expected pain, your muscles will be more contracted than during your initial tattoo experience. Additionally, as the area has already been worked on, it may be slightly more painful overall. The amount of discomfort you feel will depend largely on the size of the area being touched up and its location.

Does a Touch-Up Heal Quicker Than a Full Tattoo?

The answer to this question is a bit complicated. On one hand, yes, a touch-up will heal quicker than a full tattoo because there is less trauma to the skin. However, on the other hand, no, a touch-up does not always heal more quickly than a full tattoo because it depends on the size and location of the touch-up.

If the touch-up is small and located in an area that heals quickly (such as the forearm), then it will probably heal just as fast as if you had gotten the whole tattoo done at once. But if the touch-up is large or located in an area that heals slowly (such as the back), then it might take longer to heal completely.

How Much Will It Cost for a Touch-Up?

Tattoo artists are frequently willing to guarantee their work and return a completed tattoo for an additional fee. This will, however, be contingent on the scale and intricacy of the touch-up required. It’s important to keep in mind that a tattoo touch-up is an entirely new tattoo. The artist will be starting from scratch, which means the price will be closer to what you paid for the original tattoo than a standard touch-up fee.

How Much Will It Cost for a Touch-Up?

Additionally, many artists charge hourly rates. This means that your total cost will depend on how long the artist needs to work on your tattoo. If you have a large or complex tattoo, expect to pay more for a touch-up than someone with a small, simple tattoo. Generally, touch-ups deemed small will cost less [3].

The best way to get an accurate estimate of how much your touch-up will cost is to consult with your artist directly. They’ll be able to give you a better idea of what to expect based on the specific work that needs to be done.


  1. How soon can a tattoo be touched up?

The minimum amount of time recommended before a touch-up is 4 weeks. This allows the tattoo to completely heal so that the artist can see the true color of the skin and make any necessary adjustments. If a tattoo has flaws after healing, the advised touch-up period is usually 12 months after the initial design is completed [4].

If the tattoo heals properly and has been taken care of, it may be a few years before the piece needs touching up. It is a good idea to have your artist inspect your tattoo a couple of years after getting the initial tattoo. They have a trained eye and will be able to easily spot blemishes that should be fixed.

However, depending on the individual’s healing process, it is possible to get a tattoo touched up sooner than 4 weeks. If you are considering a touch-up before the four-week mark, it is important to consult with your artist first. They will be able to assess whether or not your tattoo is healed enough for a touch-up and give you their professional opinion.

  1. What happens to a tattoo after 2 weeks?

Within 2 weeks scabbing will eventually turn into a shiny or waxy layer of skin. By this point, any itchiness should have gone away but your tattooed skin still won’t be back to its original state. This is because it’s not yet fully healed [5].

What happens to a tattoo after 2 weeks?

  1. Is it normal for a new tattoo to need a touch-up?

It’s not uncommon for a new tattoo to need a touch-up. In fact, many tattoo artists will tell you that it’s expected. If your tattoo was done by a professional, then it’s likely that they did their best to make sure the lines were clean and even. However, there are always small details that can be missed or imperfections that can occur during the healing process.

If you’re unhappy with how your tattoo looks after it heals, don’t hesitate to reach out to your artist and see if they’re able to fix it. Many artists are more than happy to do touch-ups for their clients, free of charge.

  1. Is it rude to ask for a tattoo touch-up?

It can be difficult to know when it’s appropriate to ask your tattoo artist for a touch-up. If you wait too long, your tattoo may heal improperly and lose some of its original quality. Nevertheless, if you ask too soon, you risk being seen as demanding or ungrateful. So when is the right time to request a touch-up?

As a general rule, it’s best to wait at least two weeks before asking for a tattoo touch-up. This gives your skin time to heal properly and ensures that your tattoo doesn’t get damaged in the meantime. Of course, there are exceptions to this rule – if your tattoo is particularly large or complex, for instance, you may need to wait longer before getting it touched up.

If you’re not sure whether your tattoo needs a touch-up, it’s always best to err on the side of caution and wait a few extra days. Your tattoo artist will be happy to advise you when it’s time for a touch-up, so don’t hesitate to ask. And remember, even if your tattoo doesn’t look perfect right away, it will eventually settle into place and become the beautiful work of art you intended it to be.

  1. Does a tattoo touch-up hurt more?

No, a touch-up shouldn’t hurt more than the original tattoo. The area may be slightly more sensitive because the skin is already broken, but it shouldn’t be too bad. The biggest difference will be in the healing process. Touch-ups usually heal a bit faster than the original tattoo since the ink is already set in the skin. However, this also means that you’ll have to take extra care of the touch-up while it’s healing to make sure it doesn’t get infected.

  1. What happens if you touch up a tattoo too soon?

If you touch up a tattoo too soon, it can cause the tattoo to become blurred and lose its sharpness. The tattoo will also take longer to heal. It is best to wait at least four weeks before touching up a tattoo.

  1. Are touch-ups on tattoos free?

Most tattoo artists will charge for a touch-up, but the price will vary depending on the artist. Some artists may charge more if the tattoo is large or if it requires more work than a small tattoo.

If you are not happy with your tattoo, you can always ask the artist to touch it up or fix it. Most artists want their clients to be happy with their tattoos and will usually do whatever they can to fix any problems. 

Are touch-ups on tattoos free?

Touch-ups on tattoos are not always free, but most artists will try to make their clients happy with their ink. If you are not satisfied with your tattoo, talk to your artist about what you would like changed. They may be able to help you out!

  1. How often do tattoos need touch-ups?

This is a difficult question to answer because it varies so much from person to person. A good rule of thumb, however, is that you should expect to get a touch-up at least once every two years.

A few factors will affect how often you need to get your tattoo touched up:

  • One is the quality of the ink that was used. If you got your tattoo done with cheap ink, it’s going to fade faster and require more touch-ups;
  • Another factor is how well you take care of your skin. If you smoke or don’t moisturize regularly, your tattoo is going to fade faster;
  • Finally, where on your body you got the tattoo can also affect how quickly it fades – tattoos on your hands or feet tend to fade faster than those on other parts of your body;

If you’re thinking about getting a tattoo, touch-ups are something you should factor into the cost. A good tattoo artist will be able to give you a pretty accurate estimate of how often you’ll need to get your tattoo touched up. And, of course, if you take good care of your skin and use high-quality ink, you can minimize the number of touch-ups you’ll need over the years.

  1. Why is my tattoo fading after a month?

First, the quality of the ink can play a factor. If you didn’t get your tattoo done at a reputable shop with high-quality inks, it’s more likely to fade more quicker.

Second, how well you take care of your tattoo also contributes to how long it will last. If you don’t keep it clean and moisturized, it’s more prone to fading and losing color.

  1. Will tattoo artists add to an existing tattoo?

Adding to an existing tattoo is definitely possible, but it’s not always recommended. If your tattoo is still healing, it’s best to wait until it’s fully healed before getting any touch-ups or additions. Otherwise, you run the risk of further irritating the skin and prolonging the healing process.

If you’re simply not happy with the way your tattoo looks and want some changes made, most artists will be more than happy to make those adjustments for you. However, keep in mind that tattoos are permanent, and making changes may not always be possible. So if you’re unsure about something, it’s always best to wait and get a second opinion from another artist before making any final decisions.

  1. Can be faded tattoos touched up?

When a tattoo fades, your tattoo artist will most likely use the same ink color in the afflicted tattoos to brighten them up. This does not imply that the entire tattoo will be repeated; instead, it refers to the most faded areas of your artwork. Simply a few small modifications may restore your tattoo’s original vitality and brightness [6].

  1. Can you ruin a new tattoo by scratching it?

No, you can’t ruin a new tattoo by scratching it. However, if you scratch your new tattoo excessively, it may cause the tattoo to fade or become blurry. If this occurs, you can always get your tattoo touched up by your artist.

Tattoos are meant to be permanent, but that doesn’t mean they can’t be touched up if necessary. If your tattoo fades or becomes blurred over time, simply talk to your artist about getting it retouched.

  1. How do I keep my tattoo looking new?

To keep your tattoo looking new, it’s important to follow the aftercare instructions provided by your artist. After getting a tattoo, you should avoid scratching or picking at the area, and you should also keep it clean and moisturized.

You should also avoid exposing your tattoo to sunlight for long periods of time, as this can cause it to fade. If you take care of your tattoo properly, it will stay looking new for years to come!

  1. How long do black tattoos last?

In general, black tattoos tend to last longer than colored tattoos. This is because black ink is easier for the body to absorb than colored ink. However, this doesn’t mean that you can’t get a tattoo touched up after a couple of weeks. If you notice that your tattoo is starting to fade, you can always go back to the tattoo artist and have it touched up.

Of course, touch-ups are not always necessary. If you take care of your tattoo and keep it out of the sun, it should last for many years without any problems. But if you do notice that it is beginning to fade, don’t hesitate to get it touched up. It’s better to be safe than sorry!

  1. How many years after a tattoo does it need to get touched up?

As you might imagine, there is no precise “time” for tattoo touch-ups. Many professionals suggest getting one done within the first half-year [7].

  1. Can you touch up a tattoo the next day?

No, you can’t touch up a tattoo the next day. In order for the ink to set properly, you’ll need to wait at least 4 weeks. After that time, you can book an appointment with your tattoo artist to have them fix any areas that may have been missed.

Some people are more prone to developing scars after a tattoo than others. If you have hypertrophic scarring or keloids (raised scars), then it’s best to avoid getting a tattoo altogether. If you’re unsure whether or not you’re susceptible to these types of scars, consult with a dermatologist before making any decisions.

  1. Do touch-ups heal quicker than the original?

Unfortunately, there is no such thing as a “quick fix” when it comes to tattoo touch-ups. The healing process is typically the same as it was for the original tattoo. You can expect your touch-up to take anywhere from two to four weeks to heal completely.

  1. Are touch-ups more painful?

No, touch-ups are not more painful. In fact, they shouldn’t be painful at all. If you experience pain during a touch-up, it could be a sign that the tattoo artist is not experienced or that the equipment is not sterile. If you have any concerns about pain, be sure to speak to your tattoo artist before getting a touch-up. They will be able to advise you on how to make the experience as comfortable as possible.

Useful Video: SHOULD YOU GET your Tattoo TOUCHED-UP?

