When Can I Shave Over a New Tattoo?

When Can I Shave Over a New Tattoo?

If you’re like most people, you probably can’t wait to show off your new tattoo. But before you do, there are a few things you need to know about how to take care of it. One of the most important things is when you can start shaving over it.

Shaving over a new tattoo can be tricky. You don’t want to shave off any of the fresh ink, but you also don’t want to leave behind any unsightly hair. So when is the best time to start shaving?

The answer depends on a few different factors, including the type of tattoo and how well it’s healing. In general, though, you can start shaving around two weeks after getting your tattoo. Just make sure to take it easy at first and avoid any harsh or abrasive soaps or scrubs.

In this blog post, we will discuss when it is safe to shave over a new tattoo and how to avoid damaging your ink!

Should You Shave Before a Tattoo?

While you should groom before getting a tattoo, the tattoo artist may still trim the area again to make sure that little hairs don’t get in the way of the ink.

The hair on the head should be removed gently before tattooing to avoid razor burn or discomfort.

If you have sensitive skin or tend to shave rash, you may postpone your tattoo for a few days [1].

How Long Do Tattoos Take to Heal?

A tattoo generally takes two to three weeks to fully heal. Tattoos typically go through several distinct phases of recovery. Immediately following the procedure, your skin may seem raw and sensitive to the touch, but this should only last a day or so depending on how big your tattoo is and where it’s placed.

How Long Do Tattoos Take to Heal?

For example, a small tattoo on your arm might feel fine in a few hours, but a large piece in an area like your ribs might take days to recover naturally.

The area will scab over in a few days and the scabs will start to fall off on their own after about a week.

You may experience some mild swelling, bruising, or redness around the tattoo during this time, but as long as it’s not accompanied by excessive pain, swelling or discharge, it’s usually nothing to worry about.

You should avoid picking at the scabs or scratching the area since this can cause scarring and slow down the healing process.

Once all of the scabs have fallen off, your tattoo will be fully healed. However, you may still experience some minor dryness and flaking for up to another month.

When Can You Shave After a Tattoo?

When you get a tattoo, the area is shaved clean before it’s done, so you’re starting with smooth skin.

However, after a few days when the stubble grows in, the urge to shave may be overpowering.

Unfortunately, if you go for it too soon, shaving will be as uncomfortable as using a weed trimmer on your tattoo. This is due to the fact that the wound is still fresh and any scabbing or raised areas risk damaging the art by shaving over it.

Shaving two weeks (four on the safe side) after getting a tattoo is standard among tattoo artists.

What Happens if I Shave Too Early?

There’s a chance you’ll be in a hurry or forget about the tattoo and begin to remove hair from the region before remembering. As your tattoo begins to heal and is itchy, you may inadvertently scratch it by accident.

This isn’t a problem as long as you stop what you’re doing immediately when you notice it. Just keep in mind that your tattoo is an open wound that should heal similarly to other cuts or wounds on your body.

To prevent infection from the razor, you should clean your tattoo with warm water and antibacterial soap. The tattoo should then be dried using a clean towel and ointment or lotion as per your usual aftercare procedure.

What Happens if I Shave Too Early?

There will be no visible damage after it has healed. It is possible that the tattoo has scarring or color discoloration in the worst-case scenario [2].

Benefits of Shaving Over Your Tattoo

Shaving over a new tattoo has some benefits. It can help reduce the visibility of scars, makes the healing process faster and less itchy, and helps keep the area clean.

Shaving off dead skin cells may make your tattoo seem more vibrant. It’s also a good way to make sure that any dried blood or plasma is removed from the area.

If you shave an area and then cease, you might induce ingrown hairs, which can develop pimples or tiny pus-filled blisters on your tattoo. Maintaining a shaving schedule helps to reduce the number of ingrown hair problems that may damage your tattoo [3].

If you are careful to avoid any damage while shaving, there is no reason why you cannot continue your normal grooming routine after getting a new tattoo.

Just make sure to take things easy at first and give your skin plenty of time to heal properly!

Preparing to Shave After Getting a Tattoo:

1) Use a shaving product

Shaving creams, gels, and soaps may all be severe irritants to new tattoos. These chemicals or scents in the product could induce an allergic response, burn, or infection in your new tattoo.

Use something natural, or simply use the same soap you use to wash your tattoo as a shaving lubricant if you choose a shaving product.

Do not shave over a new tattoo with shaving cream, gel, or soap for at least two weeks after receiving your tattoo.

If you do use a product on your new tattoo during the first week of healing and notice any irritation, stop using it immediately and contact your artist.

2) Take a shower

Take a shower

A lukewarm shower, on the other hand, will help to open up your pores and make shaving easier. It also ensures that your fresh tattoo remains clean throughout the process.

If you’re going to shave over a new tattoo, make sure to take a shower first and use warm water to help soften the hair on your skin.

Be careful not to scrub the area too harshly as this could remove some of the ink or damage newly-formed scabs.

Wash off any shaving product with cool water when you’re finished.

Make sure not to get your tattoo wet for at least two hours after shaving.

3) The shaving process

Always use a new blade over your new tattoo when shaving within the first month after getting a fresh tattoo. This not only keeps bacteria from infecting your new tattoo since old blades pick up germs and possible rust, but it also results in a more accurate shave that is less likely to irritate the sensitive area.

When you’re ready, shave in the direction of hair growth. Tread carefully and take your time when shaving areas that are still scabbing or peeling away. If it’s unpleasant, stop right there.

4) Post-shave aftercare

When you’re finished, rinse the region with cold water to prevent your skin from drying out. Shaving might be a drying activity, so apply a moisturizer after.

Shaving Tips for Fast Hair Growth:

  • Shave with the grain, in the direction of hair growth;
  • Use a sharp blade to avoid irritation and razor burn;
  • Rinse off any shaving product with cold water when you’re finished;
  • Apply a moisturizer after shaving;

Shaving Tips for Fast Hair Growth

Shaving over a new tattoo is possible as long as you take some precautions first. You should clean your tattoo with warm water and antibacterial soap. The tattoo should then be dried using a clean towel and ointment or lotion as per your usual aftercare procedure.


1. I got a tattoo on my leg. How long after can I shave my legs?

You can shave your legs two days after getting a tattoo. However, do not shave over the tattoo itself for at least two weeks after receiving the new ink. During this time, make sure to keep the area clean and dry using gentle soap and cool water only. If any irritation occurs, discontinue the use of shaving products and consult with your artist.

2. Do tattoos stop hair growth?

Yes, getting a tattoo does not impede hair development. Your tattoo artist will, however, have to shave the relevant body part before putting the design on it for the majority of areas you want to ink. Other locations may appear bald, but there are tiny and fine hairs there [4].

3. Should you use chemical hair removers?

The chemicals attack and break the hair when they are applied to it. The chemicals in hair removal creams irritate or darken the skin, such as calcium hydroxide and potassium hydroxide [5].

4. Should I shave my arms to show off my tattoo sleeves?

No, you should not shave your arms to show off your tattoo sleeves. The ink will fade and the tattoos will lose their definition over time if regularly exposed to sunlight without any form of sunscreen or sunblock.

You should also avoid shaving over a new tattoo as this could remove some of the ink or damage newly-formed scabs. Wait until the area has fully healed before shaving it again.

5. What should you not do after a tattoo?

Do not swim in a chlorinated pool, do not soak in a hot tub, and avoid direct sunlight for the first two weeks after getting your new tattoo.

Also, make sure to avoid scratching or picking at the area as this could cause infection. Finally, do not shave over the fresh ink until it has fully healed.

After following these tips, you can shave over your new tattoo without any problems. Make sure to keep the area clean and dry using gentle soap and cool water in order to avoid any irritation. If any issues should arise, consult with your artist right away.

6. How do you take care of a fresh tattoo?

Wipe off all of the discharge with a soft cloth or tissue. Wash the tattoo with antibacterial soap and water, then pat dry. Apply twice a day, beginning with antibacterial/Vaseline ointment, but don’t wrap another bandage on. Twice daily, wash your tattoo region gently with soap and water and pat dry before re-applying the antibacterial/Vaseline ointment [6].

7. What ointment is good for tattoos?

There are a variety of ointments on the market that are specifically designed to care for tattoos.

However, some people prefer to use petroleum jelly, such as Vaseline, because it is easy to find and inexpensive.

Other tattoo aftercare ointments contain ingredients like vitamin E oil, Aloe Vera gel, or Shea butter that can help keep your tattoo looking bright and healthy.

8. What causes tattoo blowout?

A tattoo blowout is the result of a tattoo artist’s carelessness or inexperience with the needle. This misuse of the needle causes the ink to enter the skin deeper than it should. On the surface of the skin, a tattoo blowout will cause the ink to appear blurry and smudged.

Tattoo ink that has been pushed too deeply into the skin may spread out through surrounding layers of fat, resulting in blurring.

The blurring effect that is sometimes associated with a tattoo blowout is produced when this happens. Tissue samples from individuals who have suffered a tattoo blowout have shown that the ink goes considerably deeper below the surface than during a tattooing session would indicate.

The difference in pressure and cell structure in this deeper layer of fat is what causes the tattoo ink to spread along unexpected and undesirable pathways throughout the skin’s layers [7].

9. When can I remove my tattoo wrap?

Usually, it requires 3-4 days before you can remove a tattoo wrap.

You can remove your tattoo wrap when the area has stopped oozing and feels dry. If the wrap is sticking to the scabs, you can loosen it very gently before removing it. Be careful not to pull off any of the scabs in the process. You may also want to apply a light layer of ointment over the wrapped area before removing the wrap.

10. What are popular hair removal methods?

There are a variety of popular hair removal methods available, including shaving, waxing, threading, and laser hair removal.

Each method has its own set of pros and cons, so it is important to weigh the options before making a decision. For example, laser hair removal is a more expensive option than shaving but it provides longer-term results. Conversely, waxing can be painful but is less expensive than laser hair removal.

It is also important to consider your individual preferences and needs when choosing a hair removal method.

Useful Video: Can You Shave Over a Tattoo? Tattoo Care Tips | Gillette


  1. https://www.byrdie.com/shaving-over-a-new-tattoo-3187335
  2. https://authoritytattoo.com/when-can-i-shave-my-tattoo
  3. https://tattify.com/can-you-shave-over-a-tattoo/#Benefits_of_Shaving_Over_Your_Tattoo
  4. https://www.quora.com/Will-my-hair-grow-over-a-tattoo-and-make-it-invisible-I-want-to-have-a-small-tattoo-on-my-head
  5. https://www.healthshots.com/beauty/skin-care/3-side-effects-of-using-hair-removal-creams-you-should-probably-know-about
  6. https://www.webmd.com/skin-problems-and-treatments/taking-care-of-your-tattoo
  7. https://authoritytattoo.com/tattoo-blowout