Can You Workout After Getting a Tattoo?

Can You Workout After Getting a Tattoo?

According to many tattoo artists, strenuous exercise should be avoided for several weeks before the skin has healed completely after a tattoo. However, it makes sense that many gym users would find this difficult to do.  So, can you work out after getting a tattoo?

The short answer is yes, but with some caveats. First and foremost, listen to your body and don’t overdo it. If your tattoo is still healing and feels sore, take it easy. Avoid exercises that put too much pressure on the area or that could irritate the skin. Also, be sure to clean the area well before and after working out, using mild soap and cool water.

If you have any concerns about working out while healing from a tattoo, talk to your artist or doctor for guidance. In most cases, though, as long as you take things slow and listen to your body, there’s no reason you can’t hit the gym after getting inked.

Getting a tattoo is a big decision. It’s something you will have to live with for the rest of your life, so it’s essential to make sure you make the right choice. One question that many people have is whether or not they can work out after getting a tattoo. The answer is…it depends! This blog post will focus on the pros and cons of working out after getting inked and help you decide what is best for you.

Why Should Wait Before Working Out After Getting A Tattoo:

Open Wound

Your skin is essentially an open wound when you get a tattoo. It’s important to keep the area clean and free of bacteria to prevent infection. Working out can increase your body temperature and cause you to sweat, which can further irritate your skin and delay healing [1].

Additionally, exercise also increases your heart rate and blood flow, which can cause the tattooed area to bleed. If your tattoo is still healing, exercise can reintroduce bacteria into the area and cause an infection.

Why Should Wait Before Working Out After Getting A Tattoo:

So it’s important to wait until your tattoo has fully healed before working out. Depending on the size and location of your tattoo, this can take anywhere from two weeks to six months.

Stretching And Sweating

It’s important to remember that when you’re working out, you’re essentially stretching and sweating your skin. This can cause your tattoo to become irritated, especially if it’s a new tattoo.

If you must work out, make sure to stretch beforehand and cool down properly afterward. In addition, be sure to pat your tattoo dry after sweating – never rub it! 


Friction is another enemy of tattoos, as it can cause the ink to spread and fade. When you’re working out, your clothing is constantly rubbing against your skin, which can cause irritation to your tattoo. To avoid this, make sure to wear loose-fitting clothing that won’t rub against your tattoo. And if possible, try to avoid exercises that put a lot of friction on your tattooed area – things like running and biking can be particularly tough on tattoos.

What Types Of Workouts Are Ok With A New Tattoo?

If you’re unsure whether a certain exercise will be too harsh on your tattoo, start with something low-key like a walk. If the movement irritates your tattoo, take it out of your workout and look for other exercises that don’t involve that area. Core or arm exercises may be ideal for tattoos on your lower body, while squats and lunges are typically ok if they are on your upper body. It might be difficult to locate activities that can be completed with new large tattoos, such as a full back piece, in some situations.

What Exercises Are Not Recommended:

Don’t Work Out Outdoors

The sun can be incredibly harsh on a new tattoo, causing it to fade or even become irritated. If you must work out outdoors, make sure to cover your tattoo with sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30.  

What Types Of Workouts Are Ok With A New Tattoo?

Additionally, avoid any exercises that would put excessive friction on your tattoo, as this could also cause irritation. So no running or biking for you! 

These types of high-impact activities can also cause your tattoo to bleed, which will not only ruin your workout clothes but could also affect the quality of your tattoo. 

Don’t Swim

Additionally, avoid any contact sports or activities that could cause you to sweat excessively, as this could also lead to irritation. Swimming is also generally not recommended during the healing process, as chlorine can cause further irritation. If you must swim, make sure to cover your tattoo with a waterproof bandage first.

Just listen to your body, and if your tattoo starts to feel sore or irritated, take a break from working out until it has healed completely.

How Long Until You Can Do Different Workouts:

1) Cardio

You can do cardio workouts the day after you get a tattoo, but you have to be careful. If your tattoo is in an area that will rub against clothing or shoes, you’ll need to cover it up. Otherwise, there’s a chance that the friction could cause the tattoo to become irritated.

If your tattoo is in a place that gets a lot of sweat (like your back), you’ll need to wait until it heals before doing any intense cardio workouts. Otherwise, you risk sweating off the ink and causing irritation.

In general, it’s best to wait at least 48 hours before doing any type of strenuous activity that will cause you to sweat. This gives your tattoo time to heal and helps prevent infection [2].

2) High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)

HIIT is a type of cardio where you alternate between periods of high and low intensity. This type of workout is great for burning fat and increasing your cardiovascular endurance.

How Long Until You Can Do Different Workouts:

However, it’s important to note that HIIT can be very tough on your body. If you’re not properly recovered from your tattoo, HIIT can actually delay the healing process.

So, if you’re planning on doing a HIIT workout soon after getting a tattoo, it’s important to make sure that your tattoo is fully healed first.

3) Weightlifting

Weightlifting is another type of exercise that can be tough on your body. If you lift weights too soon after getting a tattoo, you could damage the tattoo or delay the healing process. So, if you’re planning on lifting weights soon after getting a tattoo, it’s important to make sure that your tattoo is fully healed first.

4) Yoga

Yoga is a great way to relax and stretch your body. It’s also a great workout for your core muscles. However, yoga can be tough on your body if you’re not properly recovered from your tattoo. If you’re practicing yoga or stretching after getting a tattoo, take care not to rub the tattoo too hard against any clothing or surfaces. Also, avoid wearing tight-fitting clothes over the area where you got the tattoo.

If you’re considering hot yoga, that’s perfectly fine. Just remember to shower after your session is done. It’s also important to be mindful of where you practice; if you’re in a public space, make sure to keep your tattoo covered and wipe down any mats or other equipment before and after using them.

5) CrossFit

You should wait at least a couple of weeks before returning to your regular CrossFit routine after getting a tattoo. This will allow your skin to properly heal and prevent infection.

If you have a large or intricate tattoo, it may take longer for it to heal. In this case, you should listen to your body and take things slowly at first. Once your tattoo is healed, you can resume your workouts as normal.

Just be sure to keep the area clean and moisturized, especially if you’re sweating a lot during your workouts. And if you notice any redness, swelling, or other signs of infection, stop working out immediately and see a doctor.

When Should I Resume Exercising After Getting A Tattoo:

The Tattoo Location

The closer the tattoo is to a joint, the more time it will need to heal before you can put stress on that area again. For example, a tattoo on your ankle will take less time to heal than one on your shoulder.

If you have any concerns, it’s always best to speak with your artist or doctor before getting back into working out. They’ll be able to give you specific guidance based on your individual case [3].

When Should I Resume Exercising After Getting A Tattoo

In general, it’s best to wait at least two weeks before resuming high-impact activities or exercises that put stress on the tattooed area. This gives your skin adequate time to heal and decreases the likelihood of infection or other complications.

Intensity Requirements

If you’re dead set on working out the day you get inked, go for it – but take it easy. You’ll want to avoid anything that will increase your heart rate or blood pressure. That means no HIIT, Crossfit, long-distance running, or anything else that gets your adrenaline pumping. If you must work out, stick to gentle yoga or a light jog.

It’s also important to avoid anything that would put too much strain on your new tattoo. So, no lifting heavy weights or working out on equipment that rubs against the tattooed area. Basically, you want to minimize any movement that could irritate the fresh ink.

Conditions Under Which You Exercise 

It all comes down to how clean your workout environment is. If you exercise in a private gym, you can start working out again earlier than someone who goes to a public gym. And if you go to a nice, members-only gym, you can resume even sooner than someone who exercises in a dirty, high-traffic gym.

How To Protect Your New Tattoo When Working Out:

Wearing Tight Clothing

Tattoos need to be kept dry and clean while they’re healing, so it’s important to make sure that your clothing isn’t too tight. Clothing that rubs against a new tattoo can irritate the skin and cause the tattoo to heal improperly. If you must wear tight clothing, make sure to put a thin layer of petroleum jelly or a non-stick bandage over your tattoo before working out.

Wearing sunscreen

You should always wear sunscreen when going outside, but it’s especially important if you have a new tattoo. The sun can damage newly healed skin, causing the tattoo to fade or become discolored.

How To Protect Your New Tattoo When Working Out

Choose a sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30 and apply it generously to the area around your tattoo before heading outside.

Staying hydrated

It’s important to stay hydrated when working out, but it’s especially important if you have a new tattoo. Drinking plenty of water helps to keep your skin healthy and prevents your tattoo from becoming dehydrated.

Dehydrated skin is more susceptible to infection, so make sure to drink plenty of water before and after working out. Picking Off Any Scabs

A new tattoo will form a scab as it heals. It’s important to leave the scab alone and resist the urge to pick at it. Picking at the scab can damage the skin and cause the tattoo to heal improperly. If you must itch, try to do so gently with your fingers instead of using a sharp object.

Getting In Contact With Anything Or Anyone

You should avoid getting your tattoo in contact with anything or anyone while it’s healing.

This includes things like furniture, door handles, and other surfaces that could be contaminated with bacteria. It also includes people, so you should avoid hugging or shaking hands with anyone while your tattoo is healing.

If you play sports that require contact with other players or objects, such as soccer, football, or rugby, you may need to take a break after getting your tattoo. These games can also cause the skin to stretch and lead to unbearable pain.

Performance Enhancing Drugs

It is well-known that steroids can lead to rapid muscle growth, but many people don’t know that they can also cause tattoos to heal more slowly. If you’re considering using steroids, you may want to wait until your tattoo has healed completely. Gaining excessive muscle in a short period of time, usually through unnatural methods, is likely to result in immature stretching and distorting small lines around your tattoo.

As with any other type of physical activity, there are some risks associated with working out after getting a tattoo. However, as long as you take the proper precautions you can minimize the risks and enjoy a healthy workout. Just remember to wear loose clothing, and sunscreen, and stay hydrated. And if you’re ever in doubt, consult with your tattoo artist or doctor. They will be able to give you the best advice for caring for your new tattoo.


  1. Can I work out 2 days after the tattoo?

It’s best to wait until your tattoo is fully healed before working out. Exercise can increase blood flow and may cause the tattooed area to become irritated. If you must work out, avoid direct contact with the tattooed area.

For example, if you have a new tattoo on your arm, don’t do exercises that put pressure on that area such as push-ups. It’s also important to clean your skin thoroughly before working out and to shower afterward to remove sweat and bacteria.

  1. Is it ok to sweat with a new tattoo?

It’s best to avoid sweating on a new tattoo as much as possible. Sweat can irritate the tattooed area and delay healing. If you must sweat, make sure to clean your skin thoroughly before working out and shower afterward to remove sweat and bacteria [4].

  1. Should I keep my tattoo wrapped for 5 days?

It will take from one to three days for your tattoo to heal after it is applied. You’ll need to wrap your design in cling film for one to three days. This might be longer depending on the size of your artwork, and your artist will let you know if this is the case, but a reasonable rule of thumb is: small line-work pieces – keep the cling film on for one to two days [5].

  1. Will my tattoo stretch if I lift weights?

No, your tattoo will not necessarily stretch if you lift weights. However, it is essential to remember that your skin will expand as you put on muscle. So, if you are working out and getting bigger, your tattoo might appear to be stretching.

Will my tattoo stretch if I lift weights?

  1. Can you damage a new tattoo?

You can definitely damage a new tattoo if you’re not careful.

Avoid exposing your new tattoo to sunlight, as this can cause fading. Also, avoid swimming or soaking in a hot tub for at least two weeks, as this can lead to infection

Finally, be sure to clean your new tattoo regularly and apply lotion to keep it hydrated.

  1. How do you cover a tattoo for sports?

Whether you’re an athlete with a new tattoo or simply someone who wants to cover their tattoo while working out, there are a few things you’ll need to take into consideration:

  • First, it’s important to note that it’s generally not recommended to work out immediately after getting a tattoo. This is because your skin is still healing and can be easily irritated. It’s best to wait at least 24 hours before hitting the gym;
  • Once your skin has had some time to heal, you’ll need to figure out how to cover your tattoo while working out. If your tattoo is small, you may be able to simply cover it with a bandage or adhesive wrap;
  • However, if your tattoo is larger, you’ll likely need to use a waterproof tattoo cover-up. There are a variety of these products on the market, so be sure to find one that’s comfortable and will stay in place while you sweat;
  1. Can I wear jeans 3 days after the tattoo?

Avoid wearing jeans and pants (with tight waistbands) if you have a tattoo on your hips, gluteus area, thighs, intimate region, or lower back. The friction caused by the fabric will irritate your skin and can cause serious problems like infection or delay in healing. Instead, go for looser options such as skirts or shorts made of natural fabrics such as cotton [6].

  1. Can clothes touch a new tattoo?

Your clothes can touch your tattoo as soon it’s healed. However, avoid wearing tight and restrictive clothing over the affected area during the healing process. This will help reduce friction and prevent irritation.

  1. What creams heal tattoos?

If you ask any tattoo artist what the best ointment for aftercare is, they will more than likely say Aquaphor’s Advanced Therapy Healing Ointment. This stuff is amazing for healing wounds and keeping them moist, but it’s also good for tattoos. You can find this at any drugstore or even some grocery stores [7].

Another popular option is a vitamin A&D ointment, which is also very effective in the healing process. This can be found at most pharmacies.

If you have sensitive skin, you might want to try an unscented lotion like Cetaphil or Eucerin. These are both very gentle and won’t irritate your skin.

Once your tattoo has healed, you can start using a fragrance-free body lotion to keep it moisturized. Just make sure that you’re not using anything with fragrances or dyes, as these can irritate your skin.

If you have any questions about what ointment to use for your tattoo, feel free to ask your tattoo artist. They will be able to recommend the best option for you.

  1. Can I put sunscreen on my new tattoo?

You should always use sunscreen on a new tattoo, as it will help protect it from the sun’s harmful UV rays. Choose a sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30 and apply it liberally to your tattoo. You should also reapply it every two hours or after swimming or sweating.

It’s important to note that you should not put sunscreen on a fresh tattoo, as this can actually delay the healing process. Wait until your tattoo is fully healed before applying sunscreen to it.

Useful Video: Can You Workout or Exercise With A New Tattoo?

