Can You Tattoo Over Stretch Marks?

Can You Tattoo Over Stretch Marks?

Stretch marks are a common problem for many people, especially women. They can be caused by pregnancy, weight gain, or rapid growth. While they are not harmful, they can often be unsightly and embarrassing.

Tattoos are becoming increasingly popular as a method of hiding stretch marks. Stretch marks may sometimes get in the way when individuals wish to have a tattoo in general. Regardless of the cause, tattoos have become a popular practice for hiding stretch marks.

The question still stands: can you tattoo over stretch marks? The answer is yes, but it depends on the severity of the stretch mark. If the stretch mark is raised, then it may be more difficult to tattoo over. However, if the stretch mark is not raised and has changed color, then it should be possible to cover it with a tattoo.

If you are considering getting a tattoo to cover up your stretch marks, make sure to consult with a professional tattoo artist first. They will be able to assess your case and give you the best advice on whether or not a tattoo is right for you.

If you are looking for a way to cover them up, you may be wondering if you can tattoo over stretch marks. In this blog post, we will explore the answer to that question!

What Are Stretch Marks?

Stretch marks, or striae distensae, are a very common and noticeable skin condition. They usually occur when the skin is stretched beyond its capacity too quickly, causing dermal fiber damage. There are no medical problems associated with stretch marks other than their unsightly appearance [1].

What Are Stretch Marks?

Since stretch marks are visible in a majority of cases, they can be aesthetically unappealing and cause distress to those who have them. Many women avoid wearing more revealing clothing or swimsuits because of their stretch marks.

In some cases, stretch marks can also lead to feelings of insecurity and low self-esteem. There are several treatments available for stretch marks, ranging from creams and gels to laser surgery.

Why Do Stretch Marks Appear?

Stretch marks are a form of scarring that occurs when the skin is stretched beyond its capacity. When this happens, the collagen and elastin fibers in the skin break down, resulting in stretch marks.

There are several reasons why people might develop stretch marks. One of the most common reasons is pregnancy. As a woman’s belly grows during pregnancy, she may develop stretch marks on her stomach, thighs, or breasts.

Other causes of stretch marks include [2]:

  • Rapid weight gain or weight loss;
  • Puberty;
  • Muscle building;
  • Use of certain medications (steroids);

Stretch marks can occur in both men and women and usually first appear as red or purple lines. Over time, these lines will fade to a white or silver color.

How Tattoos Can Cover Up Stretch Marks?

The short answer is yes, tattoos can cover up stretch marks. They can be a great way to conceal them. Tattoos can help to camouflage the appearance of stretch marks by evening out the skin tone and making them less visible.

If you’re considering getting a tattoo to cover up your stretch marks, it’s important to consult with a professional artist who has experience in tattooing over scar tissue. They will be able to assess your case and advise you on the best course of action.

How Tattoos Can Cover Up Stretch Marks?

A professionally made tattoo can cover your stretch marks, but the process may not succeed depending on various factors. Indeed, each person’s stretch marks are unique. Consequently, before you get a tattoo to camouflage your stretch mark, assess the placement, size, age, and even the suitability of your artist.

Things To Consider Before Getting A Tattoo On Your Stretch Marks:

1) The Type Of Stretch Marks

There are different types of stretch marks, and the tattoo artist needs to evaluate the depth, severity, and texture of your particular stretch marks before deciding if you should get a tattoo [3]:

  • If your stretch marks are red and inflamed, it’s best to wait until they’ve faded before considering a tattoo;
  • If your stretch marks are white or silver, you may be able to cover them with a tattoo but note that the ink may not hold as well in these areas;
  • Some people opt to get their stretch marks tattooed with darker ink to create the illusion of shadows, which can make the appearance of the stretch mark less noticeable;
  • Fair-skinned people may find that their stretch marks are more difficult to cover up with a tattoo because the contrast between their skin tone and the ink color is more pronounced;

The Type Of Stretch Marks

2) Are The Stretch Marks Healed Properly?

If the stretch marks are fresh and still quite visible, they will be much more difficult to deal with. Your body will continue to work hard to heal as much skin as possible since these new stretch marks will be more sensitive while being tattooed over.

As a result, it’s usually best to get a tattoo over stretch marks once they’ve had enough time to calm down. When the red/purple color fades and the silver-white hue appears, you can tell they’re becoming less inflamed. 

3) Are The Stretch Marks Raised From The Surface?

This is another factor the tattoo artist will need to consider. If the stretch marks are significantly raised from the skin’s surface, it may not be possible to tattoo over them. The ink would sit on top of the skin and not sink in as it does with regular skin, making for a very poor tattoo result.

4) The Color Of Your Stretch Marks

If your stretch marks are red, reddish-brown, or purple, you shouldn’t get a tattoo. These colorations mean that the stretch marks are new. Not only will it be difficult for your tattoo artist to blend them into your design but fresh stretch marks can also be itchy and raised.

The good news is that, given enough time, the color of your stretch marks will eventually blend in with your skin tone. The itchiness will go away and the depth of the mark will lessen. Generally speaking, you can expect stretch marks to fade enough to be covered by a tattoo within 6 months to a year. If you want faster results, there are always ointments and creams for stretch marks available on the market [4].

5) The Size Of Your Stretch Marks

This is another thing you’ll want to take into consideration. Smaller stretch marks can be more easily concealed by a tattoo than larger ones. If your stretch marks are on the bigger side, it may be difficult for the artist to completely cover them up with ink. In this case, you might have to get a smaller tattoo or rethink the design altogether.

Bigger tattoos are needed to cover wider and longer stretch marks, which takes more time and money. Or you can accept that some of the stretch marks will remain visible around the tattoo.

6) The Experience of Your Tattoo Artist

You’ll want to be sure to find an experienced tattoo artist who has worked with covering up stretch marks before. They will know the best techniques and inks to use for your particular case. Not all tattoo artists are created equal, so be sure to do your research!

Will Getting Tattooed Over a Stretch Mark Be More Painful:

A Burning Sensation

If you’re considering getting a tattoo over a stretch mark, you might be wondering if it will be more painful than getting a tattoo in another location. Unfortunately, there’s no easy answer to this question since everyone experiences pain differently.

However, some people report feeling a burning sensation when getting a tattoo over a stretch mark. This is likely because the skin in this area is thinner and more sensitive than in other areas of the body. If you’re concerned about pain, be sure to talk to your artist about your concerns before getting inked.

Will Getting Tattooed Over a Stretch Mark Be More Painful

A Stinging Sensation

You may feel a stinging sensation when the tattoo needle first enters your skin. This is normal and should subside within a few minutes. If it doesn’t, tell your artist so they can adjust the needle depth or density. 

A Sharp, Scratching Sensation

The first thing you’ll notice when you get a tattoo is the sharp, scratching sensation of the needle as it penetrates your skin. This is normal and shouldn’t cause too much discomfort. However, if you’re particularly sensitive to pain, you may want to consider getting a numbing cream applied to your skin before your tattoo session.

A Dull, Irritating Pain

After the initial penetration, you’ll probably feel like the sensation is more of a dull ache. This is also normal and should fade after a few minutes. If it doesn’t, be sure to let your artist know so they can adjust the machine accordingly.

Can Stretch Marks Form On Pre-Existing Tattoos?

Unfortunately, stretch marks can develop on tattoos that are already in place. This is not limited to tattoo cover-ups; all tattoos are prone to this problem. A stretch mark may form over a tattoo unless it’s on your face, hands, or feet – if you have a tattoo anywhere else on your body. Fortunately, stretch marks do not happen willy-nilly and without cause.

Risks of Getting a Tattoo Over Stretch Marks:

Stretch marks can present a few risks when getting a tattoo over them [5]:

  • One of the biggest risks is that the ink can seep into the stretch mark and cause it to become raised and more visible;
  • Additionally, if you are prone to keloid scarring, there is a chance that you could develop keloids around your tattoo if you get one over your stretch marks;
  • Finally, since stretch marks can be sensitive, there is a greater risk of developing an infection at the site of the tattoo. If you are considering getting a tattoo over your stretch marks, it is important to weigh the risks and benefits with your artist before making a decision;


  1. Can you tattoo over stretch marks on your stomach?

There’s no definitive answer to this question since everyone’s skin reacts differently to tattooing. If you’re considering getting a stomach tattoo, it’s best to consult with a professional tattoo artist to see if they think your stretch marks will be able to hold the ink. In general, though, it’s generally not advised to tattoo over stretch marks simply because they can cause the ink to fade more quickly.

Another factor to consider is that stretch marks can change in size and shape over time, so even if you do get a tattoo over them, it’s likely that the tattoo will eventually become distorted as your stretch marks change. Ultimately, it’s up to you whether or not you want to take the risk of getting a tattoo over your stretch marks. If you do decide to go ahead with it, just be sure to do your research and find a reputable tattoo artist who you trust to give you the best possible results.

Can you tattoo over stretch marks on your stomach?

  1. How else can I hide stretch marks on my stomach?

There are a few other ways that you can try to cover up or hide your stretch marks, depending on your preference. You could try:

  • Wearing high-waisted clothing to cover up the lower stomach area;
  • Using self-tanner to camouflage the lighter coloring of the stretch marks;
  • Wearing makeup or body concealer on the area to help even out the skin tone;

Whatever route you decide to go, just know that you’re not alone in your journey to loving your body – stretch marks and dealing with them. Many people have them, and there are plenty of options available for treatments and hiding them if you so choose.

  1. How do I get rid of stretch marks on my stomach?

If you’re looking to get rid of your stretch marks, there are a few things you can try:

  • First, you can try using a topical cream or ointment that is designed to help reduce the appearance of stretch marks. These products usually contain ingredients like retinoids, vitamin C, or hyaluronic acid, which can help improve the look of your skin;
  • Another option is to get a laser treatment specifically designed for stretch mark removal. This type of treatment uses high-intensity light to break down the scar tissue in your stretch marks, which can help make them less visible;
  • Microdermabrasion is a type of exfoliation that can help to improve the texture of the skin and make stretch marks less visible;
  • Finally, if you’re really set on getting rid of your stretch marks, you could always try tattooing over them. While this isn’t an option for everyone, it can be a great way to cover up your stretch marks and give yourself a whole new look;
  1. How long do stretch marks take to fade?

Stretch marks take between 6 and 12 months to fade in general. They normally fade more quickly with therapy [6].

  1. Can you tattoo on loose skin?

The simple answer is yes. You can tattoo on any part of the body, including loose skin.

However, there are some things to consider before getting a tattoo on loose skin:

  • The first thing to consider is the design of the tattoo. If you want a detailed tattoo, it may be difficult to get it done on loose skin. The reason for this is that when the skin stretches, it can distort the tattoo and make it look blurred or fuzzy. If you’re set on getting a detailed tattoo, you may want to wait until your skin has tightened up again before getting inked;
  • Another thing to consider is the pain factor. Tattooing loose skin can be more painful than tattooing tight skin because there’s less tissue to buffer the needle. If you have low pain tolerance, you may want to wait until your skin has tightened up before getting a tattoo;
  • Finally, you’ll need to be extra careful when caring for a tattoo on loose skin. Make sure to keep the area clean and moisturized, and avoid picking at or scratching the tattoo. If you take care of your tattoo, it will eventually tighten up with your skin and look just as good as it would on tight skin;

Can you tattoo on loose skin?

  1. How much does a stretch mark tattoo cost?

The cost of a stretch mark tattoo is typically per session, which starts at around 0 and varies from artist to artist [7]. Most customers require multiple treatments because scar tissue does not absorb ink readily, therefore the final price can be thousands of dollars. The fee also depends on the surface that is being treated.

  1. Do stomach tattoos hurt?

No matter how many times you’ve been tattooed, it’s always going to hurt at least a little bit. The pain level will depend on how sensitive your stomach is and where exactly on your stomach you’re getting the tattoo. The closer to your ribs the tattoo is, the more it’s going to hurt because there are more nerve endings in that area. If you have low pain tolerance, then you might want to consider getting a smaller tattoo or getting the tattoo somewhere else on your body.

  1. Can old stretch marks go away?

It’s possible for old stretch marks to fade away on their own, but it can take a long time.

If you want to get rid of them sooner, there are a few things you can try:

  • One option is laser treatment. Laser therapy can help to stimulate collagen production, which can in turn help improve the appearance of stretch marks;
  • Another option is microdermabrasion. This involves using a small device to sand away the top layer of skin, which can help to smooth out the appearance of stretch marks;
  • If you’re interested in trying either of these treatments, be sure to talk to your doctor first to see if they’re right for you;
  1. Do spray tans cover stretch marks?

If you’re looking to cover up your stretch marks with a bit of extra color, you may be wondering if a spray tan can do the trick. The answer is yes and no.

A spray tan can temporarily darken the skin and make stretch marks less visible, but it won’t completely cover them up. If you want to try this method, be sure to exfoliate your skin before your appointment so that the tanner can evenly absorb into your skin. Also, keep in mind that a spray tan will only last for a few days or weeks, so you’ll need to reapply it regularly if you want to maintain the coverage. Another option is to use makeup specifically designed for covering up scars and blemishes. This can be a bit more time-consuming than getting a spray tan, but it will give you more control over the coverage. If you decide to go this route, be sure to test out the makeup on a small area of your skin first to make sure that you’re not allergic to it.

  1. Does Bio-Oil product work on stretch marks?

Bio-Oil was proven to efficiently improve the appearance of scars, stretch marks, and uneven skin tone.  It is also effective in repairing aging and dehydrated skin. The oil is composed of various ingredients that help the skin regenerate cells and repair itself. These include vitamins A and E, natural plant extracts, and oils. Bio-Oil products are available in most drugstores [8].

  1. Do purple stretch marks ever go away?

There are two types of stretch marks: atrophic (depressed) and hypertrophic (raised).

Atrophic stretch marks are usually white or silver in color while hypertrophic ones can be red, purple, or black. Both types can occur due to pregnancy, drastic weight changes, puberty, bodybuilding, or genetics.

Do purple stretch marks ever go away?

Purple stretch marks are typically younger. They’ll generally fade to white or silver with time if not treated [9].

  1. What happens to tattoos if you lose weight?

If you’re considering a tattoo, you may be wondering if it’s possible to get a tattoo over stretch marks. Unfortunately, the answer is not always clear. While some people have success getting tattoos over stretch marks, others find that their tattoos fade or become distorted as the skin stretches.

If you’re thinking about getting a tattoo over stretch marks, it’s important to talk to your artist about your options. They may be able to recommend a different placement for your tattoo or suggest a design that will help camouflage the stretch marks. In some cases, they may even recommend against getting a tattoo in that area at all.

  1. Can older skin be tattooed?

Yes, older skin can be tattooed, but it may not hold the ink as well as younger skin. The elasticity of your skin plays a big role in how well your tattoo will heal and hold its color. If you have stretch marks, the ink may not hold as well in those areas and may require touch-ups more often.

  1. Does Dermablend cover stretch marks?

Dermablend products are safe to use on stretch marks and can help camouflage their appearance. For best results, we recommend using Dermablend Leg and Body Cover with a sponge applicator. This product provides 16 hours of wear and is water-resistant, so it won’t rub off on your clothes. It’s also important to exfoliate before applying any type of body makeup so that the product will go on smoothly and evenly [10].

  1. Does Retinol work on old stretch marks?

Stretch marks are a very common problem, especially for women. They can be caused by a number of things, including pregnancy, weight gain, and puberty. Stretch marks can be very difficult to get rid of, and many people feel self-conscious about them.

Retinol is a vitamin A derivative that is commonly used in skincare products. It is known for its ability to improve the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. Some people believe that retinol can also help to reduce the appearance of stretch marks.

However, there is no scientific evidence to support this claim. Retinol may help to improve the texture of the skin, but it will not get rid of stretch marks completely. If you want to try retinol for stretch marks, you can talk to your doctor or dermatologist about using it in conjunction with other treatments.

Useful Video: Incredible Weight Loss Stretch Mark Cover Up

