Can You Sweat With a New Tattoo?

Can You Sweat With a New Tattoo?

Sweating is a natural mechanism by which your body maintains its temperature. In certain situations, it’s simply unavoidable. So, can sweat harm a tattoo? While sweating may not cause immediate damage to your new tattoo, it might lead to significant problems as well as minor medical issues. There are a few things you should consider while sweating and healing with a new tattoo.

Sweat may also cause an infection in a new tattoo. If you have any open wounds or cuts, sweat can introduce bacteria into the area and cause an infection.

You just got a new tattoo and you’re eager to show it off! But can you start sweating right away? And is there anything you need to do to make sure your new tattoo stays looking great? In this blog post, we will answer all of your questions about sweat and tattoos!

Will Sweating Affect My New Tattoo:

Exercise Performance

Exercise performance may be affected due to the pain from the tattoo. Depending on the size and location of your tattoo, it may limit your range of motion and affect how you perform certain exercises. It’s important to listen to your body and not push through the pain. If you have any concerns, consult with your tattoo artist or doctor before working out.

Will Sweating Affect My New Tattoo?

It’s also important to keep the area clean and dry when exercising, as sweat can cause irritation and increase the risk of infection. Try to wear loose-fitting clothing that won’t rub against the tattoo, and make sure to wash the area thoroughly after working out.


A new tattoo is a delicate open wound, and it’s essential that you take care of it to ensure that it heals properly. This means avoiding contact with water and keeping the area clean and dry to prevent infection. Sweat can trap extra moisture in a tattoo. Excess moisture will accumulate and become a breeding ground for harmful microbes, promoting bacterial growth. As a result, a bacterial infection may develop [1].

Sweat Can Disturb The Healing Process

During the healing process, it’s important to keep your tattoo clean and dry. This is because sweat can irritate the area and disturb the healing process. For example, if you have a tattoo on your foot, wearing shoes that are too tight can cause sweating and lead to irritation. In some cases, this can even cause the tattoo to become infected.

It’s best to avoid situations that will make you sweat excessively until your tattoo has fully healed. This includes saunas, steam rooms, hot tubs, and strenuous exercise. If you must sweat, be sure to clean the area thoroughly afterward and apply a light layer of lotion or ointment to keep the skin moisturized.

How Sweating Disturbs Your Tattoo-Healing Process?

The sweat glands are located in the “subcutaneous layer” of your skin, which is much deeper than where the tattoo artist places the ink. Tattoos, like piercings and any other sort of piercing, are a type of open wound.

If you expose an open wound to dirt, grime, and germs of all kinds, it’s virtually certain to get infected. Not only that, but public gyms are teeming with millions of different types of bacteria. As a result of this, rather than giving up working out entirely, you might avoid public gyms for a time.

How Sweating Disturbs Your Tattoo-Healing Process?

Aside from this, learning about your bodily recovery timetable lets you see how your tattoo might get infected in the future. Immune cells called macrophages phagocytes assist maintain the foreign ink particles introduced within your body during the healing process by trapping the ink inside the cytoplasm [2].

Basically, when you perspire excessively, your skin can’t hold the ink anymore. This result in a tattoo that is blurry or colors that start to run. So, it’s important to try not to work out too much, especially at the gym. And this isn’t just us saying it- an extensive study shows that there are more germs on some gym equipment than on toilet seats!

How Fresh Ink Modifies Your Sweat Glands?

Several studies show that sweating may help accelerate the healing process. It is because some sweat glands located on your body stimulate the regeneration of your tissues. This occurs primarily through the growth of keratinocytes, which are cells present on the outermost layer of skin.

According to multiple studies, sweating might even help expedite the healing process. This is because certain sweat glands located throughout your body support tissue regeneration. They do this primarily by fostering the growth of keratinocytes, which are cells that reside on the epidermis layer. Excess sweat and friction often cause rapid elimination of protective creams and ointments.

A recent study published in Medicine & Science in Sports and Exercise found that your tattooed skin sweats 50% less than your un-tattooed skin. Many experts think that individuals with a lot of tattoos have a higher risk of developing heat-related illnesses, such as heatstroke and heat exhaustion. It’s because their bodies no longer can efficiently distribute heat [3]

What’s more, results indicate that sweat produced from tattooed skin contains twice the amount of sodium than when un-tattooed skin perspires. The worst part? Perspiring this much salt can lead to a deficiency in sodium (hyponatremia).

Navigating Your Workout Regime While Your Tattoo Is Still Fresh

If you just got a tattoo, you’re probably wondering how you can protect your new ink while still getting a good workout in. Here are a few tips:

  • Avoid working out in direct sunlight, as this can cause the tattoo to fade;
  • Wear loose-fitting clothing that won’t rub against the tattoo;
  • Apply a layer of sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher before heading outdoors;
  • Drink plenty of water before, during, and after your workout to stay hydrated;
  • Avoid using saunas or steam rooms for the first two weeks after getting the tattoo;

Navigating Your Workout Regime While Your Tattoo Is Still Fresh

What If I Want To Go For A Run With A Tattoo?

If you’re planning on going for a run or doing any other type of strenuous activity with a new tattoo, it’s important to take care of your skin first. Make sure the area is completely healed and that you’ve applied a layer of sunscreen to protect the tattoo from fading in the sun.

Once you’re ready to hit the pavement, cover up your tattoo with a bandage or athletic tape so that it doesn’t rub against your clothes and become irritated.

And last but not least, don’t forget to hydrate! Drinking plenty of water before and after your workout will help keep your skin healthy and prevent your tattoo from drying out.

How Long Before You Can Return To Your Normal Workout Schedule As Per Your Tattoo?

Most tattoo artists recommend waiting at least 2 weeks before returning to your normal workout schedule. This gives your skin time to heal and the tattoo time to settle into its new home.

If you want to speed up the healing process, there are a few things you can do:

  • First, make sure you’re cleansing the area twice a day with a block of mild soap and water;
  • You should also apply a thin layer of lotion to keep the skin hydrated;
  • And finally, avoid picking or scratching at the tattoo as it heals. This can cause infection and damage the ink. Just let it be and it will be good as new in no time;

How Long Before You Can Return To Your Normal Workout Schedule As Per Your Tattoo?

What You Need To Know About Sweating And Treating New Tattoos:

1) Daily Routine

Once you have your new tattoo, it is important to keep the area clean and dry. Gently wash the tattooed area twice a day with mild soap and water. Apply a thin layer of healing ointment or lotion to keep the tattoo moist and help prevent scabbing. Avoid soaking the tattoo in water for long periods of time.

It is also important to avoid excessive sweating while your tattoo heals. This means staying out of saunas, steam rooms, hot tubs, etc. during the healing process. If you must sweat, make sure to clean and dry the area thoroughly afterward. Excessive sweating can lead to infection and delay healing time.

2) In The Gym

As your tattoo heals, you’ll want to take it easy on the physical activity front. Avoid intense workouts and sitting in a sauna for at least a few days. At the gym, sticking to machines will be better for your healing tattoo than free weights that could come into contact with dirt or other people’s sweat.  And, of course, remember to clean the tattooed area afterward and apply lotion [4].

3) Dry Skin 

People with dry skin may find that their tattoo peels after they get it. This is because, during exercise, dry skin can be uncomfortable and more likely to crack due to the movement stretching and irritating the skin. Although too much moisture might be a problem, keeping the tattooed area moist helps prevent cracking and scabbing. Many over-the-counter lotions and ointments available will provide nourishment and moisture to the skin.

4) Exercise

You should be careful when starting to exercise again after getting a tattoo. It is best to wait until the tattoo has completely healed before participating in any strenuous activity. Once your tattoo has healed, you can slowly ease back into your workout routine. Start with light cardio and gradually increase intensity as your tattoo heals. If at any point during your workout you feel pain or discomfort, stop immediately and consult a doctor.

5) Sunlight

Your tattooed skin should not be exposed to direct sunlight until it has fully recovered. If you’re going outdoors, cover the region with something soft, like cotton clothing. Wearing sunscreen, SPF 30 or greater, after your tattoo has healed can help reduce the risk of fading due to sun exposure

How To Avoid Infections When A Tattoo Is Healing?

There are a few things you can do to avoid infection when your tattoo is healing:

  • Keep the area clean by washing it with soap and water every day;
  • Avoid touching the tattoo or picking at any scabs that form;
  • Wear loose, clean clothing over the tattoo;
  • Avoid exposure to sunlight or tanning beds;
  • Don’t swim or soak in tubs until the tattoo is completely healed;

How To Avoid Infections When A Tattoo Is Healing?

If you notice any redness, swelling, or discharge from the tattoo site, see a doctor right away as these could be signs of infection. 


  1. How long after a tattoo can you sweat?

Sweating is a natural process that helps regulate our body temperature. When we sweat, our pores open and allow toxins and impurities to be released from our bodies. Sweating is also helpful in wound healing as it allows our skin to absorb more oxygen which can speed up the healing process.

Most people can start sweating within 24 hours of getting a tattoo. However, it is important to avoid excessive sweating while your tattoo heals.

  1. Can you damage a new tattoo by sweating?

Sweating can actually help heal a new tattoo. It helps expel any built-up fluids and keeps the area clean. Sweat can also keep the area from drying out and cracking, which can lead to infection.

Nevertheless, excessive sweating can dissolve the ink before the skin has had a chance to trap it, despite the body’s remarkable function. The macrophages will then be unable to perform their function. This might also change the tattoo’s appearance and cause blurriness or fading [5].

That is why there are a few things you should avoid doing when sweating with a new tattoo:

  • Don’t scrub or pick at the tattoo. This will irritate the area and could cause scabbing, which can pull off ink and damage the tattoo;
  • Avoid using harsh soaps or cleaners on the tattoo. Stick to gentle, unscented products;
  • Avoid exposure to extreme heat or cold. This can dry out the skin and damage the tattoo;
  1. Can I work out 3 days after the tattoo?

The quick answer is yes, but with a few caveats. It’s important to listen to your body and how it’s feeling after getting inked. If you have any doubts whatsoever, it’s always best to wait until cleared by your tattoo artist. But if you feel good and are raring to go, here are a few things to keep in mind when working out with a new tattoo.

First and foremost, make sure your tattoo is healed before hitting the gym or going for a run. This means no picking at the scabs and keeping the area clean and moisturized. Once your tattoo is fully healed, you can start slowly easing back into your workout routine.

Start with low-impact activities and gradually work your way up to more intense workouts. And be sure to wear loose, breathable clothing that won’t irritate your tattoo.

So there you have it! With a little care and caution, you can safely sweat it out with a new tattoo. Just listen to your body and take things slowly at first. And of course, make sure to consult with your tattoo artist before making any decisions.

  1. What happens if you sweat a lot after a tattoo?

Excessive sweating can cause your tattoo to become irritated and even start to peel. So if you find yourself sweating a lot, it’s best to take a break and let your skin cool down. Once you’ve cooled off, be sure to clean the area and apply a fresh layer of tattoo ointment or lotion.

With that said, there’s no need to completely avoid sweating altogether. In fact, a little sweat can actually be good for your tattoo. It helps keep the area clean and free of bacteria. Just be sure to clean up afterward and apply a fresh layer of ointment or lotion.

If you have any concerns, it’s always best to consult with your tattoo artist or doctor. They can give you specific instructions on how to care for your tattoo in the event that you do start to sweat excessively.

  1. Can I play soccer after getting a tattoo?

Tattoo professionals typically recommend that people wait 2-3 days after getting a new tattoo before playing any contact sports (such as soccer) or exercising vigorously, as doing so can significantly delay the healing process [6].

If you must play soccer or participate in another activity before your tattoo is healed, try to protect your tattoo as much as possible. Wear loose clothing that covers the tattoo and avoid excessive sweating.

If you sweat excessively, immediately clean the area with mild soap and cool water and pat dry. Excessive sweating can lead to infection, so it’s important to keep the area clean and dry.

Can I play soccer after getting a tattoo?

With proper aftercare, your tattoo should heal within two to three weeks. If you have concerns about the healing process, or if you notice any redness, swelling, or discharge from the tattoo site, contact your doctor or tattoo artist immediately.

  1. Should I wrap my tattoo when I go out? 

While it is important to keep your tattoo clean and dry, you should not wrap your tattoo when you go out in public. This can cause the tattoo to sweat and become irritated. If you must cover your tattoo, make sure to use a breathable material such as gauze.

It is also important to avoid exposing your tattoo to sunlight for extended periods of time, as this can cause the ink to fade. 

If you have any further questions about caring for your new tattoo, be sure to ask your tattoo artist or consult a medical professional.

  1. Can I sweat while my tattoo is peeling? 

There are a few activities you should avoid while your tattoo is healing: this includes exposing your tattoo to the sun until it’s fully healed (and then making sure to always wear sunscreen after), any activity that would wet your ink like swimming, bathing, excessive sweating [7].

  1. How can I make my tattoo heal faster?

There are a few things you can do to make sure your tattoo heals as quickly and efficiently as possible:

  • Keep it clean! Gently wash your tattoo with soap and water twice a day;
  • Avoid using harsh chemicals or scrubbing too hard;
  • Apply lotion. Keeping your tattoo moisturized will help it heal faster and prevent scabbing. Apply lotion whenever the tattoo feels dry, but avoid using anything that contains petroleum jelly (like Vaseline) until the tattoo is fully healed;
  1. What to avoid after getting a tattoo:
  • Strenuous activity or exercise;
  • Soaking the tattoo in water (this includes hot tubs, baths, lakes, rivers, oceans, etc.);
  • Saunas or steam rooms;
  • Excessive sun or UV exposure;

All of these activities can cause your tattoo to fade, become irritated, and even lead to an infection. So it’s important to listen to your artist’s aftercare instructions and take things easy for a few weeks while your tattoo heals.

  1. Why is my 2-week-old tattoo shiny?

This is an entirely natural part of the healing process. Your tattoo’s color will become more vibrant during this time as your skin rebuilds itself. The new, shiny skin you’re seeing is called “onion skin”. It usually goes away within 2-8 weeks [8]

Useful Video: Damage to sweat glands caused by tattooing affects body’s heat dissipation

