Can You Become Amish if You Have Tattoos?

Can You Become Amish if You Have Tattoos?

The Amish religion is well-known for its devotion to traditional values and simple living. One specific point of interest often asked by those looking into the lifestyle, is if one can become Amish with tattoos – a very modern day misconception. As it turns out, there are some complex answers to this question depending on who you ask – leaving many of us still wondering if it’s even possible at all! We’ll dive deep into the answer as we review the background information surrounding tattooing within the culture(s) of The Amish society and how they both handle their beliefs differently when it comes to body art.

What Is the Amish Belief on Tattoos?

The Amish are a Christian denomination with deep-rooted beliefs, and one of them is that body modification is not allowed due to religious prohibitions. This includes tattoos. The Amish believe that the Bible prohibits altering one’s bodies for any purpose, and thus see tattoos as being against God’s will. Therefore, it is very unlikely that someone who has tattoos can become Amish.

However, there have been some rare cases in which an individual was accepted into the community despite having tattoos or other body modifications. In these cases, the individuals had typically already converted to the Amish faith before receiving their tattoos and were able to prove they would be willing to adhere to all Amish rulings and customs regarding dress and behavior once they were welcomed into the community. [1]

The decision to allow an individual with tattoos to join the Amish community depends on several factors, including how long ago they got their tattoos, what type of tattoos they have, and their ability to demonstrate that they can abide by all of the rules and traditions of the Amish faith. Ultimately, it is up to each local congregation or district to decide whether someone can become a part of their group despite having tattoos.

It should be noted that even if someone does get accepted into an Amish community with tattoos, they would still likely need to cover them up most of the time in order to avoid being judged or criticized by other members of the church. This means that it may not be possible to truly join the Amish community if you have tattoos, since covering them may be too difficult or uncomfortable.

In conclusion, while it is possible for someone with tattoos to become part of an Amish community, it is a very rare and unlikely occurrence. Therefore, those who want to join the Amish faith should consider removing any visible tattoos they might have before attempting to do so. They should also remember that even if accepted into the community, they will likely need to cover their tattoos most of the time in order to fit in properly.

What Is the Amish Belief on Tattoos?

What Motivates Someone to Join the Amish Lifestyle?

The Amish way of life is appealing to many people for its simple values and strong sense of community. For those looking for a simpler, more meaningful lifestyle, the Amish can provide that with their dedication to faith, family and hard work. The emphasis on traditional beliefs and isolation from modern technology makes joining this lifestyle an attractive option for some.

Those who choose to become Amish take on a new way of living that involves making a commitment to put God first in all things. This includes following strict rules such as wearing plain clothing, not owning cars or using electricity in the home, observing the Sabbath day (inactivity) each week and embracing self-sufficiency by farming their land.

The Amish also take pride in their sense of community and hospitality. They are known for extending a helping hand to those in need, offering meals and other forms of assistance to strangers or those within the community who find themselves in difficult situations.

When it comes to tattoos, there is no official rule among the Amish as to whether someone can become a part of their community if they have tattoos. It is ultimately up to each individual

Amish church district to decide if it will accept individuals with tattoos into its congregation. [2]

Many potential converts may be hesitant about joining the Amish lifestyle due to its strict rules and regulations. However, those who do choose this path can expect a life full of meaningful connections, hard work and faith-based values that can bring greater fulfillment.

Regardless of whether someone has tattoos or not, anyone considering becoming Amish should take the time to learn more about this lifestyle and what it entails before making a commitment. Joining the Amish is a big decision that requires dedication and an understanding of its principles and values.

What Motivates Someone to Join the Amish Lifestyle?

Reasons People Get Tattoo

People get tattoos for a variety of reasons. Many people view tattoos as a form of self-expression, and the design can represent something meaningful, such as an event in their lives or an important person. Others may choose to get tattoos simply because they like the aesthetic appeal of body art. Tattoos can also be used to symbolize values, beliefs, and religious affiliations. Some people even use tattoos as forms of remembrance for loved ones who have passed away or to mark milestones in their life. Whatever the reason may be, getting a tattoo is often seen as a way to show your personality and individuality.

However, it is important to consider the implications of getting a tattoo before making this permanent decision. In some cultures and religions, tattoos are seen as taboo and may be associated with negative connotations. Additionally, some employers may not view tattoos favorably, so it is important to consider the potential implications when deciding whether or not to get a tattoo.

Although there are many reasons why someone might choose to get a tattoo, one thing is for sure: if you decide to join the Amish community, having any form of body art will likely disqualify you from becoming a member. The Amish strongly believe in modesty and avoid anything that could draw attention to oneself—and tattoos certainly do that. Therefore, it is important to consider the possible consequences before getting a tattoo if you plan on joining this traditional faith-based group in the future. [3]

Reasons People Get Tattoo

Can You Become Amish if You Have a Tattoo?

The answer is, it depends on the Amish community you choose to become a part of. Some groups are stricter than others and may not accept individuals with tattoos into their society. However, some more progressive Amish communities have started to relax their traditional views on tattooing, allowing for baptized members with tattoos to join their group. While this is becoming increasingly common in some parts of the world, it is still very much a personal decision that requires further research before joining an Amish community. [4]

Ultimately, if you wish to become Amish and have tattoos, your best bet would be to find out more about the particular church or congregation that you wish to join. It’s important to note that attitudes regarding tattooing vary widely across various Amish groups, so it’s best to do your research before reaching out to any community. It may also be helpful to speak with an existing member of the congregation you’re interested in joining, as they will be able to provide you with insight on how their particular group views tattoos. [5]

Can You Become Amish if You Have a Tattoo?

Common Questions About Becoming Amish with a Tattoo

Many people may wonder whether it is possible to become Amish if they have a tattoo. There are no hard and fast rules for this, as the Amish live by their own rules and traditions. Generally speaking, most Amish communities do not allow members to get tattoos due to the religious implications of permanently marking one’s body. However, there are some exceptions.

Those who wish to become Amish with a tattoo should research the individual community they want to join and ask questions about tattoos before taking any further steps towards becoming part of that community. Here are some important questions potential Amish members should consider asking:

  • Is having a tattoo allowed? If so, what kind of tattoos are allowed?
  • How will having a tattoo affect my ability to become Amish?
  • If I have a tattoo, how can I go about getting it covered or removed?
  • Would I be able to wear clothing that covers the area with the tattoo?
  • Is there anything else I should know before becoming Amish and having a tattoo?

These are important questions to consider when researching an individual Amish community and trying to understand their views on tattoos. It is also important for potential members to remember that becoming part of an Amish community is not something that should be taken lightly – it is a commitment that requires living by the principles set forth by the group. Those who do decide to pursue joining an Amish community with a tattoo should make sure they understand all the rules and regulations of that particular community before proceeding.

Ultimately, it is up to individual Amish communities to decide whether or not they will accept members who have tattoos. While there are some groups that allow this, others may take a stricter approach and require members to cover or remove any tattoos prior to joining. Those considering becoming part of an Amish community with a tattoo should do their research and ask questions about the issue in order to ensure that they are making the best decision for themselves. [6]

Common Questions About Becoming Amish with a Tattoo

Final Thoughts

The Amish lifestyle is an incredibly unique and traditional way of life that has been practiced for centuries. While many aspects of the Amish faith and culture are quite strict, it is possible to become a part of the community even if you have tattoos. However, it can be difficult as tattoos may conflict with some core beliefs or values in the Amish faith. If you are interested in becoming part of the Amish community, you should research their beliefs and practices thoroughly before making any commitments. With an understanding of their beliefs and dedication to living a more traditional lifestyle, it might be possible to join the community despite having tattoos.

Ultimately, only time will tell whether or not this could work out for someone who wants to pursue a more traditional lifestyle. It is a question that requires careful consideration and thought before making any final decisions. You should consider all of your options, weigh the pros and cons carefully, and be sure to seek advice from trusted friends and family who know you well. Ultimately, only you can decide if becoming Amish with tattoos is right for you.

Final Thoughts


Can non Amish join the Amish?

No, it is not possible for a non-Amish person to join the Amish. Becoming Amish is a lifelong commitment and requires making significant lifestyle changes to adhere to the strict rules of the faith.

Can you become Amish if you have tattoos?

No, having tattoos is discouraged in the Amish religion and therefore anyone with tattoos would not be eligible to become an Amish member. Those who are born into the faith are expected to refrain from getting any tattoos or other body modifications that would dissuade them from living up to their religious values. Additionally, those who wish to convert must prove their sincerity and dedication by following certain rules and guidelines before they can officially join. This includes refraining from body modifications such as tattoos.

Do Amish people believe in medical treatments?

The Amish community has its own set of beliefs when it comes to healthcare and medical treatments. Generally, the Amish prefer to avoid modern methods like medicine and surgery, instead relying on traditional remedies and natural healing. Many Amish communities have their own doctors who are familiar with these alternative approaches. If a more serious medical issue arises, some members may seek help from hospitals or other healthcare facilities outside of the community but this is typically only done as a last resort if all other options fail.

Can you become an Amish pastor?

Becoming an Amish pastor requires very specific qualifications that must be met before a person can even be considered for the role. A potential pastor must have an in-depth knowledge of the Amish faith, a deep understanding of scripture, and be able to demonstrate strong leadership qualities. Additionally, they must be recognized by their community as someone who follows the church’s strict rules and guidelines and have a good reputation among the Amish people. If approved, a pastor will need to go through further training and preparation before officially taking on the role within the church.

Can you become Amish if you are divorced?

The decision to allow or disallow divorced individuals from joining the Amish depends on each individual situation and is ultimately up to the local congregation leaders. Generally, those who wish to convert must demonstrate that they have repented for any past mistakes and have the commitment to follow the church’s teachings. The congregation will then decide whether or not it would be appropriate for them to join the faith.

Do Amish have lots of money?

The answer to this question depends on the individual Amish family and their lifestyle. Generally speaking, most Amish families live a relatively simple life with little money or material possessions. They maintain control over their finances by limiting their exposure to modern technology, so they typically don’t have access to credit cards or other forms of debt. The Amish lifestyle also encourages frugality and thriftiness which helps them save money where possible. It is important to note that while some Amish families may have large inheritances or businesses that generate significant income, these are exceptions rather than the rule. For the majority of Amish individuals and families, money does not define their lives in any meaningful way; instead it is more about living a religious, traditional lifestyle.

How long does Rumspringa last?

Rumspringa, or “running around”, is a coming-of-age period for Amish youth. It typically lasts from the ages of 16 to 22 and allows young people to explore outside their community and experience some modern technology before choosing whether they want to formalize their commitment to the faith by joining the church. During this time, it’s not unheard of for some Amish teens to get tattoos – although most parents do not approve, and would rather their children abstained. Ultimately, however, the choice lies with the individual. Once Rumspringa is over and an individual decides to become baptized into the faith, they are expected to adhere more closely to traditional rules – including refraining from getting any additional tattoos.

What religion is closest to Amish?

The Mennonites are the closest Christian denomination to the Amish and share many similar beliefs. Both of these groups trace their roots back to Anabaptism in 16th century Europe, and have a strong focus on faith, family, community and living a life that reflects biblical values. They do differ in certain areas, however – for example, Mennonites don’t shun modern technology as much as Amish do (although some sects still follow more traditional practices). Additionally, Mennonite communities tend to be more open to outsiders than Amish ones. Ultimately though these two faiths are very closely related and it is easy to see why they are often confused with each other.

What age can Amish leave?

The age of 16 is when Amish teens are typically allowed to start Rumspringa – the period of exploration before deciding whether they want to formalize their commitment to the faith by joining the church or leaving. The duration of this period varies from individual to individual, however it usually lasts until around age 22. Once someone has decided to leave, they are generally free to do so and are not expected to return. That being said, in most cases those who choose to leave retain strong ties with their families and communities – visiting regularly and maintaining a relationship with them.

What language do Amish speak?

Most Amish communities speak a dialect of German known as Pennsylvania Dutch or “Amish Dutch”. It is largely derived from the old Palatine German as spoken by immigrants who came to southeastern Pennsylvania in the 17th and 18th centuries. In addition, English is also used for religious services and most other conversations. Some Amish may know only English, and some may be fluent in both languages. The language of the Old Order Amish is an important part of maintaining their culture and identity, so it’s not uncommon for them to use it at home or when talking with each other. Additionally, many Amish schools teach classes entirely in Pennsylvania Dutch, which helps encourage its continued use among younger generations.

Can you become Amish with piercings?

This is a bit more complicated. Having pierings is actually seen as an act of rebellion against the Amish faith, and as such, it can be very difficult to become Amish if you have piercings. However, there are some exceptions. For example, some Amish communities allow earrings on married women only as long as they do not exceed the size of a dime or quarter. Other things that can be accepted by certain Amish communities include wedding rings and baptismal rings (as long as they are plain). Ultimately, the decision comes down to which community you’d like to join – each one has its own rules and regulations regarding tattoos and piercings that must be followed in order to become an accepted member of that group.

In any case, if you are interested in becoming Amish while having tattoos and/or piercings, it is important to talk with the elders in your would-be community before attempting to join them.

What is forbidden for Amish?

The Amish lifestyle is governed by strict religious rules and traditions, which are collectively known as the Ordnung. These rules are not written down but instead passed from generation to generation through word of mouth. The Ordnung forbids many activities that are commonplace in mainstream societies, such as television, radio, and owning cars. It also bans wearing patterns or bright colors and encourages modesty with regard to hair length, jewelry, and clothing choice.

Useful Video: Amish Girl Freaks Out While Getting A Piercing For The First Time | Return To Amish


The answer to this question is not a simple yes or no. While tattoos are generally discouraged in the Amish faith, there may be exceptions depending on individual circumstances. Ultimately, it is up to an individual and their local bishops or ministers to decide whether they can join the Amish church despite having tattoos. It’s important to understand that becoming a member of the Amish community involves more than just getting rid of tattoos; individuals should also be prepared to embrace a lifestyle rooted in humble values and strict rules governing everything from clothing styles and technology usage to interactions with outsiders. Ultimately, those who wish to become part of the Amish faith will need to demonstrate commitment and dedication before being accepted as members.

